To Duke’s surprise, he actually got some sleep that night.

Gibson ended up staying at the trading post to keep guard in case this guy came back. The trooper firmly believed the whole fire was set as a way of threatening them to back off.

Andi seemed to agree.

He showered, trying to ignore how much his shoulder ached. But his wounds would heal, and that was the important thing.

Then Duke got dressed, shaved, and brushed his teeth.

When he stepped into the cafeteria, Simmy was cooking breakfast for everyone. Mariella and Matthew already sat at the table, eating plates of eggs and bacon.

Ranger made himself at home at the other end of the table alone.

Andi stood between the counter and the rest of the group, munching on a single piece of bacon and appearing as if she were in another world as she stared into the distance.

But Duke didn’t fault her for her preoccupation. If she wasn’t so vigilant, he might not be here right now. Though he might not want to admit it, her determination had definitely been an asset.

Everyone glanced his way when he walked in.

Then the questions flooded him.

“Are you okay?”

“How are you feeling?”

“How’s your shoulder?”

Duke wasn’t even sure who had asked what.

“I’m fine, everyone.” Duke tried to put them at ease by waving his hand—which sent a shot of pain through his shoulder. Bad idea. “A little sore, but I’ll be okay.”

Andi rushed to his side, appearing as if she wanted to see him up close for confirmation.

“You look better today,” she said softly, almost as if she wanted just him to hear. “I’m so glad.”

Like last night, something about her concern touched him in a deep place—a place that had long been empty. He swallowed hard, pushing those emotions aside as he remembered Celeste.

He would never betray her. Never.

Gibson answered a brief call and then strode toward them. “Good news, everyone. The road is open. You guys can all get out of the Arctic Circle and resume your lives as normal.”

Duke expected to feel relieved. Wasn’t getting out of the Arctic Circle exactly what he wanted right now? To get Mariella and Matthew back to their hotel in Fairbanks. To pick up his next tour group.

Instead, disappointment bit at him.

Probably because he also hated leaving things unfinished. He almost hated to admit it, but yesterday had been . . . invigorating. It made him miss his days with the CID. Something dormant inside him felt as if it were coming alive.

But nothing good could last forever, he supposed.

Mariella rose from her seat and turned toward him, raising her chin. “Wait . . . I want to stay.”

Duke blinked. “What?”

“I’m not ready to leave.” She offered a definitive nod. “We still have more work to do here.”

Matthew stood also. “We started something, and we can’t just go back now. How lame would that be? Like stopping a video game right in the middle—only more serious, of course.”

“The tour is over,” Duke reminded them. “I need to get you guys back.”