More pain ripped through him from his knife wound.

But Duke would fight with everything he had inside of him.

The man jumped to his feet, surprisingly agile.

His blue eyes stared back at Duke.

Something deadly loomed in their depths.

“You know you’re going to get caught, don’t you?” Duke remained poised to fight and defend himself.

“No . . .” the man growled. “I’m not.”

The next instant, the guy grabbed something.

A can of gasoline.

Before Duke could get out of the way, the man doused Duke with it.

Duke sucked in a breath, the fumes nearly choking him. He was mere inches from the flames.

If he got too close to that fire . . . it could be deadly.

Just what that man wanted.

The man looked past Duke a moment.

A smile flittered across his face.

That’s when Duke knew he was in deadly trouble.

Before he could get out of the way, the man shoved him.

Duke stumbled back, heading straight for the flames.

* * *

Andi froze. She rounded the corner just in time to see a man shove Duke toward the fire.

It was him.

The killer.

The man looked up.

Saw her.

A satisfied, evil grin flashed on his face.

Then he ran.

As Duke stumbled backward, the man darted toward the woods.

Duke dropped to the ground and rolled away from the fire.

For a split second, Andi thought about chasing after the killer.

But she couldn’t. Not with Duke in jeopardy right now.