“Thanks.” Andi shrugged. “Anything else?”

Matthew cleared his throat. “I’ve been looking into other people who lived in Canaan. But I haven’t discovered anything suspicious yet.”

He paused, and Andi had a feeling he had more to say. Everyone waited.

“I did . . . well, I did manage to hack into Craig’s cloud.”

* * *

Andi’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”

It was a brilliant move on Matthew’s part. Illegal, but brilliant. Maybe this was the opening they’d been looking for—their way of finding out the information they needed.

“I didn’t want to mention it earlier and get your hopes up—or get myself in trouble. I didn’t see anything too interesting . . . except for one thing.”

Everyone leaned closer.

“I found an email Craig sent to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources,” Matthew said. “He was asking about the deed to the property where Henry and Henrietta lived. Craig sent the message about a week and a half ago.”

Andi’s thoughts raced. “Why would he want information on the deed?”

“Didn’t Joe say that land was originally supposed to go to his family?” Duke’s eyebrows shoved together.

“And a week and a half ago was about the time Craig said he discovered his first true lead.” Andi’s voice caught with excitement. “Maybe that deed was part of the evidence that led him to the killer.”

Duke turned to Matthew. “Is there any indication that Craig got his hands on the paperwork?”

“There was no response.” Matthew pushed his glasses up higher. “None that I found, at least.”

Everyone turned to Simmy now.

“Don’t look at me.” She shrugged. “I have no idea.”

“If Craig could have gotten his hands on this deed somehow . . . is there anywhere outside of his house where he could have stashed it?” Duke asked gently.

She shrugged again before letting out a breath. “I’d say a PO box, but he wasn’t trusting of the government. I doubt he would do that. Maybe he put it in his hidey-hole.”

“Hidey-hole?” Andi repeated, a knot forming on her brow.

Simmy shrugged again as if the answer were obvious. “You know, a place where you can hide stuff.”

Of course. A hidey-hole.

“Do you know where Craig’s hidey-hole is?” Duke asked.

“He didn’t tell me.” Simmy frowned. “I’m sorry. I wish I knew more . . . I just thought I had more time.”

Didn’t they all?


In the middleof their discussion, Gibson stepped inside.

Had he overheard their conversation? Duke wondered.

Gibson paused and shook his head. “Whatever you’re talking about, I don’t want to know. Unless it’s something I need to know.”

“We’ll tell you if it pans out,” Duke said.