Andi pressed her eyes closed.

His body? No . . .

“He’s alive, but barely,” Trivago finished.

Her eyes flung open. Bosch was alive? She almost wanted to say praise God. But she didn’t say things like that anymore.

Sometimes, she wished she could. She missed those past times of faith in her life.

But God had only let her down. Why continue to believe in a higher power who only disappointed you?

She shoved those thoughts aside and said, “I’m so glad he’s alive.”

“He was stabbed,” Trivago continued, lines forming around his lips.

“How many times?” Duke asked the question as if he were a professional, someone who was supposed to be here finding out information.


More questions bombarded her.

Why did the killer let Bosch live when he’d murdered others?

Unless everyone else had a purpose for dying but not Trooper Bosch.

Why only stab him twice when Henrietta and Craig had been stabbed five times?

As the thoughts tangled inside her, Andi tried to untwist them. Tried to sort the pieces in order to form a clearer picture.

“Is there anything we can do?” Ranger stepped into the conversation.

“I don’t think so.” Trivago offered a quick shake of his head. “But we know how to get in touch with you if we need to.”

The only thing Andi wanted was to find answers.

Not just about Victor. But about Henrietta and Craig too.


Duke,Ranger, and Andi climbed back into the SUV and sat there in silence a moment as they tried to process this latest update. A helicopter appeared in the sky in the distance, no doubt coming to take Bosch to the hospital down in Fairbanks.

“I’m glad they found Bosch.” Andi’s voice broke through the silence.

“Me too. I only wish it was better news.” Duke ran a hand over his face.

“The whole thing doesn’t make any sense,” Andi said. “The only thing I can put together is that maybe the officer caught this guy as he was leaving, and the Hymn Killer had no choice but to retaliate. But maybe every time he kills it’s for a specific purpose and the trooper didn’t fit into his plan.”

“The Hymn Killer?” Ranger looked back at her, his stoic expression disappearing in favor of astonishment.

She shrugged. “I just feel like he needs a name. The Angel/Devil Killer or Bobblehead Killer doesn’t have the same ring to it.”

“Maybe he shouldn’t be dignified with a name,” Ranger quipped with a grimace.

“As long as his nickname doesn’t end up in the news, he doesn’t have to know about it,” Andi said. “Otherwise, it would feed his ego.”

Duke glanced over his shoulder and observed her a moment. “You sound like you’ve done this kind of investigating before.”

Andi flushed but quickly covered it with an airy laugh. “Like I said, I like to watch a lot of crime shows on TV.”