That bobblehead had been left there for a very specific purpose.

The killer had wanted someone to find it. Had wanted to send a message. To let people know he had the upper hand.

And right now, he did.

What Duke, Ranger, and Andi talked about earlier still stood true. As soon as the road opened up again, Duke wasn’t sure how much investigating would get done. This area desperately needed that road to be open. It was a lifeline for people up north, how they got their food. Their toilet paper. Their medications.

Being cut off from everything south of them was a real threat.

But another part of Duke didn’t want that road to open. Not until they had answers.

That was incredibly selfish of him. Mariella and Matthew needed to get back to Fairbanks. Mariella had a social media career to manage.

But none of that seemed important right now.

As they headed to the trading post, Duke spotted several vehicles on the road in front of them.

His muscles tightened.

Those weren’t just any vehicles. They had flashing lights.

Police vehicles.

His mind went to Trooper Bosch.

Had he been found somewhere out in the woods?

Duke pressed on his brakes and pulled behind one of the SUVs, hoping that someone might give them an answer.

* * *

A bad feeling lingered inside Andi.

Something had happened.

Was it another victim?

Or was it Bosch?

Either way, she braced herself for whatever they might find out.

She, Duke, and Ranger climbed out and walked toward the scene.

Gibson wasn’t here. He must have stayed true to his word and remained at the trading post. She was thankful for that.

One of the officers spotted them and strode their way. “You’re free to drive around our vehicles.”

Andi’s gaze went to his shirt.

Sergeant Trivago. He was a shorter man in his fifties with ruddy skin and a no-nonsense voice.

“Actually, we’re friends with Gibson.” Duke sounded unaffected by the man’s stern tone. “We’re the ones who discovered Bosch was missing last night.”

The man eyed them as if surmising whether or not he told the truth. “I see. Duke McAllister, right?”

“That’s me. If you don’t mind me asking, did you find Bosch?”

The trooper’s expression tightened. “We did. His body was in the woods over there.”