“He seems cagey.” Duke’s gaze trailed toward where the man had disappeared. “But he doesn’t seem like a killer. Not to me, at least.”

Andi shook her head. “I don’t get that vibe from him either. I want answers. But if the police haven’t been able to solve this in eight years, we’re not going to be able to waltz in here and do it ourselves in record time.”

“Sometimes you just need a different perspective.” Duke shrugged, a determined look in his eyes. “Craig thought he found the killer, and I’m inclined to agree because now he’s dead. Somewhere within all of those notes we’ve looked at, there are answers. We just need to keep digging. We should retrace Craig’s footsteps. Maybe we can find what he discovered if we do that.”

Andi crossed her arms. “The problem is we don’t have all the time in the world to do this. We all need to return to our normal lives soon. Really, as soon as the highway is back open.”

Silence stretched between them for a moment as the reality of the statement settled with them. They all knew it was true. Ranger wasn’t as affected by it as Duke and Andi.

But still . . . the matter felt urgent.

Finally, Duke nodded down the street. “We should get back to the SUV. It’s cold out here.”

They started that way, each silent in their own thoughts.

When they reached Duke’s SUV, Andi paused.

Something was different about it.

That’s when she realized what it was.

A message had been written on the driver’s side window.

I’m watching you.

* * *

Duke bristled and glanced around.

Had the killer left that? Or Skeeter?

Either way, he didn’t like it.

However, he didn’t see anyone close by. No one on the streets. No one in their cars. No one peering out windows.

Still, he felt fairly certain that someone dangerous lingered close. That he was watching.

Andi glanced around too, backing up so that their backs touched. “I don’t see anyone, do you?”

“He’s been watching us, and he wanted to send a message.” Ranger bristled, some of his laid-back, man-of-nature vibes disappearing. “I really don’t like this guy. Not that I liked him before.”

“What should we do?” Andi asked. “Keep looking for whoever left this?”

“We’re not going to find him.” Duke’s eyes narrowed. “He’s a step ahead of us. As soon as we start his way, he’ll hide.”

“But this is a small town.” Urgency—and maybe desperation—filled Andi’s voice. “I feel like we’re missing our opportunity.”

“I’m telling you, this is a game he’s playing at this point.” Duke remained on guard. “He’s not going to reveal himself to us. He just wants to send a message.”

“Message received.”

“We should go,” Ranger said. “Standing out here, we’re targets.”

They climbed back in the SUV, and Duke cranked the engine and waited for it to heat.

“Should we head back to the trading post now?” Andi popped her head forward, her seatbelt not on yet.

“I suppose we can.”