“If you’re innocent, then why not talk? Scurrying past us like you’re afraid only makes you look guilty.” The way Andi said the words was convincing. Her voice lilted at just the right times, at parts softening and at other parts hardening.

Joe paused and turned toward them. “Of course, I’m innocent. I’m not afraid to talk to you. I’m just tired of getting pulled into this.”

“You thinkyou’retired?” Andi continued. “Think about Henrietta’s family. It’s been eight years.”

“If I had answers to give you, I would. Sorry . . .”

Andi stepped in front of him before he could walk away. “We understand you tried to buy the family’s property on several occasions. You thought there was gold there.”

He sighed, not hiding how annoyed he felt. “It’s more complicated than that. Yes, there were supposedly gold deposits in the area, and the area where the Blancos’ property is located was, at one time, the site of a major mine. People talked about how a fortune in gold could still be on that property.”

“So you tried to buy it from them. What did Henrietta and her husband say when you came to them with this idea?” Duke stepped closer, looming over the man.

“Like I said, it’s more complicated than that. But they wouldn’t even consider it. I said I wouldn’t need to disturb their house or anything. I could just go to a different part of the land and dig and see if I could find anything. I offered to rent the land or to split the profits. I was trying to make it a good deal for them also. But they wouldn’t go for it. Didn’t want the money. Didn’t seem interested at all.”

“I see,” Andi murmured. “They must not have been motivated by money, a concept some people just can’t seem to grasp.”

“No, they weren’t. But they were fools to not even consider it.” He didn’t seem to notice the dig she’d made.

“What made you finally give up?” Ranger sounded as serious and intimidating as ever.

Joe shrugged as if none of this was a big deal. “I realized they weren’t going to take my offer, so I moved on. It’s what normal people do.”

“What’s complicated about that?” Andi asked.

His expression tightened for a moment. “Thirty years ago, that land should have been my family’s.”

“Thirty years ago?” Andi repeated. “Why would it have been your family’s?”

“I wanted that land as part of the Homestead Act. Thanks to some wonky laws, those Canaan homesteaders got it first. I didn’t kill anyone because of it, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Andi crossed her arms, appearing unconvinced. “What have you been doing since you made your last appeal to get that property?”

“Normal life stuff. I’ve worked various jobs. I’ve always been a bit of a wanderer. But I finally found my true calling. Working at the post office.”

“You like working for the government, huh?” Duke nodded at the building beyond them.

“I do.” Joe glanced at his watch. “Now, if you don’t mind, I really must be going.”

“One more question,” Andi called. “What were you doing last night?

“Last night?” He narrowed his eyes. “I was at the bar drinking with the guys. I don’t know why you’re asking about that, but there are six other guys who can verify that for me.”

“Thanks,” Andi muttered.

Before they could ask him any more questions, he scurried away.

But Duke had a feeling this guy was still looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.

Did that make him a killer? Maybe not.

But the things people did for money were astounding.


Even after Joe Prospectorwas gone, Andi, Duke, and Ranger all remained near the post office, ready to talk despite the cold swirling around them.

“What do you think?” Andi started, anxious to hear their opinions.