Instead, she raised her chin. “There was a man in the road. I veered so I wouldn’t hit him.”

“A man?” Duke raised his eyebrows. “Where did he go?”

Her frown deepened. “I wish I knew. There’s no trace of him. Maybe he was an arctic mirage. Is that a thing?”

“I don’t think so.”

She shook her head. “Then I have no idea.”

Duke’s jaw clenched.

This day had just become a lot more interesting . . . but not in a good way.

Because one wrong move out here could mean certain death.

And the twists and turns around him felt more like a roller coaster about to fly off the tracks.


“We needto make sure this guy isn’t under your truck,” the man muttered.

Andi bit back a sarcastic comment.

As if that wasn’t the reason why she was out in this frozen tundra right now.

Who was this man? A Good Samaritan?

Or a hitman?

Before she could check out the truck herself, the Good Samaritan/hitman pulled a flashlight from his pocket and began shining it beneath her cab.

She studied him a moment as he did so. If the man was working for Victor, he was doing a good job covering up his true motives.

Andi wanted to believe this man could really help her. But she needed to be sure.

She observed him another moment.

The man appeared close to her age. But she couldn’t tell much else about him, not with his heavy coat, hat, and a gator partly covering his face.

Andi was untrusting by nature . . . especially after everything that had happened in Austin.

She shifted her thoughts back to the man in the road.

Had she hit him?

Wouldn’t she have felt the impact of the collision? She wasn’t sure considering the way the truck rumbled and shook as it slid off the road.

Andi could hardly breathe as the beam of the stranger’s flashlight hit the undercarriage of the vehicle.

Please, no dead, mangled bodies. Please.

Metal and snow stared back at her from beneath her truck.

She didn’t think the man was there. But visibility was terrible. She wasn’t even sure how much of her truck was left on the road and how much was stuck in the drift.

Snow buried the landscape and threatened to entomb everything in sight.

“I don’t see him!” the stranger called over a gust of wind.