I threw my free arm up. “If that was gonna be your question then, sure. Why the hell not. I’m already suffering, anyway.”

He grinned at me. “I can always make it worse.”

“What difference does it make?” All the difference in the world, really.

He shrugged, sipping his milkshake again. “Cool.”

I had to get away from him now. “Well, bye.”

He gave me a little wave that shouldn’t have been cute. “Bye.” I slipped out of his grasp, vexed that he was holding on to me so tightly, and that I didn’t want him to let me go.

In the bathroom, I leaned forward into the mirror, not recognizing the already haggard man I saw there.

“What in the world just happened to me?” I whispered, hoping my reflection would give me some answers. Not only was my mother’s life in grave danger, but I had also just run into my mate, who I hadn’t seen in several years. Was it more than a coincidence? I didn’t see how. He and I had left things on bad terms. Really bad.

Should I talk to him about it? Would he listen? Maybe things had changed. I’d feel like the fool of the century if I was wrong, but I wouldn’t know if I didn’t try.

Maybe I spent too much time in the bathroom hiding from my problems, because when I came back out, Trevor was gone. My heart dropped.It’s better this way. No point in getting your hopes up just to have them dashed against the rocks.

I didn’t expect him to actually want to speak to me again. I didn’t expect him to find a way to come crashing back into my life.

Chapter 3


“Don’t know what’s comeover me lately. I actually want to do good, for no reason other than to do good.Blech.” I stuck out my tongue and made a “yuck” face.

I was sitting around a huge table, in a conference room high at the top of a tower owned by one of my billionaire buddies. We were having a club meeting, and the expensive liquor was overflowing even though it was the middle of the day. That was one thing I loved about having gobs of money. I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

For example, I could spoil a special someone. Byron.

Since I ran into him at the diner, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The embers that had always been in my heart for him had been fanned back into flames. The only problem was, he couldn’t stand me. Unlike so many other omegas, he wasn’t impressed by my money. It was a major turn-on, to see that he still treated me like a regular person. The issue was, he still treated me like a person he couldn’t even be in the same room with, let alone be mated to. Who could blame him, the way I acted before?

Another of the club members, Stefan, spoke up. “It was bound to happen eventually, tin man. There’s a heart in there somewhere.”

I took a sip of my drink, sloshing in a crystal glass. “I’m not a fan.”