“Nope. I just decided to drop in on one of my events and give my customers a pleasant surprise.”

“Givethemthe pleasant surprise, then, not me.” My words belied the rest of me, because I wasn’t walking away, the way that I should have been.That’s only because it would be in bad form. How would it look, for me to walk away from the billionaire founder of the event we were at right now?

How would it feel to walk away from your mate?A deeper part of my brain asked. I did it once. I can do it again.

He put his hands in his pockets and dropped his eyes. “So. I need your help with something.”

“That’s a joke, right?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“What could you possibly need my help with, spawn of Zuckerberg?”

“I need a fake date.”

Afakeone? “Hell, no.”

“Why not?”

“After all this time, the first thing you do when you run into me again is ask me for something?” Wait. A light bulb lit up over my head.

“If I called you for a sleepover you would have said no.”

“To a sleepover?Blegh.” A sleepover sounded fantastic. Sex and cuddles. How long had it been since I had that? I hated to admit that I wanted it with Trevor.

“What do you think we’d do? I’m talking paint each other’s nails and watch The Princess Bride. Look at you with your mind in the gutter.” It definitely had been.

“Pay me,” I blurted out.

“Come again?”

“Pay me, and I’ll come to your stupid shindig.” This was my chance. I was grabbing it with both hands.

He pouted a little. I shouldn’t have been so cute. “It’s not stupid. Name your price.”

“One hundred thousand dollars.” Surgery, plus travel, plus survival money until I got something else figured out.

“A little steep, wouldn’t you say?”

“Are you telling me you can’t afford it?” He snorted. “If you can’t agree to my terms, find somebody else.” Squashing down the panic, I turned as if to walk away, taking a gamble on him.

“Wait. Wait. If you want that much for one date-”

“Which is pocket change to you.”

“At least make it a few dates. Up until I get this, um, deal closed.” If it got me the money to fix my mom’s liver, I’d even dance the horizontal boogie with him. My body seemed to think that was a great idea. Of course, it did. Bodies were all feel and respond, no thinking going on here. Except about the possibility of multiple dates.

I extended my hand, working hard to keep it from trembling. “Shake on it.”

“Deal.” He took my hand and shook it, firm and confident, but also warm. Also sexy. I pulled my hand back like I’d been burned. Should a handshake make you feel that much? “What’s the matter, Bye?” Trevor leaned in, his lips close to my ear. “Scared you made a deal with the devil?”

I was careful to do it slowly when I adjusted my pants at the waist. There was a lot of...activity going on down there that I hadn’t felt in years.

“Are you kidding? I would rather not have sold my soul to a crossroads demon, but I’m desperate.”

Trevor’s face clouded over. “What’s going on? Something wrong with you?”

There he goes again, acting like I matter. “You don’t have to pretend to care, Trevor. Just hold up your end of the bargain, okay?” I meant to sound mean, but I just couldn’t quite do it.