He threw back his head and laughed, instinctively rubbing his baby belly. “You’re insane. What on earth is it for? A mini casino for you and your billionaire buddies?”

I rubbed my chin. “No, but you know what? That’s not a bad idea.”

“What’s it for, then?”

“It’s yours.”


“Well, for you and the baby.”

“Now I’m really confused. Are you kicking the two of us out?” He teased.

“Just come in and let me show you.” Byron tilted his head all the way back and gaped at the twenty-foot-tall doorway as we walked through it. Once inside, he gasped.

His mouth hung open as he looked up at the soaring, vaulted ceiling, then at the pièce-de-résistance in the middle. “Oh my... Trevor, what is this?”

“It’s your brand new bed, Baby!” I held my arms out like a game show presenter. “Ta daaaaaa!”

“Trev...” He said, before covering his mouth with a hand.

“Come look.” I nudged him closer. “Everything’s custom-made. The hand-carved oak frame, the adjustable mattress, the sheets, the comforter, everything. It’s also reinforced to hold a few tons, no problem.”

“You did all this?”

“I even picked out the bedspread and had them add on a giraffe theme. Don’t you love it?” Engraved in the wood were giraffes in profile, walking in long strides, along with a twisting vine design. The absolutely gigantic comforter was gold, as were the sheets, patterned with more giraffes, except these were cute little dancing cartoons with sweet eyes and smiles on their faces.

Byron tented his hands over his mouth, in shock. “You got this for me?”

“Course I did. Who else has a mate as tall as a building? Who else would even want a twenty-five square foot bed?”

“But, but, how are we going clean bedsheets like this? What happens if we move?”

I waved a hand. “Don’t be ridiculous, Honey, that’s a question to ask the money. It always has the answers.”

“Right now, I sure am grateful that is does.”

I put a hand low on his back and nudged him toward the bed. “Try it out.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” He was already sliding his shirt off his shoulders, getting even taller as his limbs lengthened.God, he’s sexy. His body was even more spectacular while carrying the baby I put in him.

Fully shifted into his giraffe form, Byron’s head nearly touched the ceiling in the atrium of the bedroom. Still, he would be comfortable at his full height no matter where he was in his new house. He extended a ten-foot-long leg and tested out the bed with one giant hoof. It held up, no problem, just as I said. He stepped on to it, looking like he was moving in slow motion because of how tall he was. Slowly, very slowly, he lowered himself until he was down, his legs folded underneath him. He craned his long neck over to look at the rest of the furniture, examining the whole room with ease, then stuck his head fully out of the window to look around outside. Lastly, he rolled to his side and lowered his head to the bed. He stuck out his legs and there it was. A pregnant giraffe stretched all the way out on his custom-made bed with room to spare.

“Bye, what do you-” I cut myself off. He was already asleep. I laughed softly and shifted myself, curling up next to his belly. It was so peaceful, and he was so relaxed, that it took no time at all for me to fall asleep, too.

Some unknown amount of time later, I woke up to my back being stroked. I made a rumble in my chest, then yawned, showing off my fangs. Byron was absentmindedly stroking my soft fur, as he sometimes did, while reading the book he fell asleep on earlier in the library.

I shifted back to human, leaning my cheek against his thigh. “Sleep okay?”

He put the book down with a rustle of pages. “Really good. Better than I have in a couple of months.”

“I hope you don’t mind that all this is in a separate house. I wasn’t really sure where to put it. We can both sleep in here, if you like, or you can just take naps in it, whatever you want to do. I just want you to be comfortable when you’re fully shifted, too.” He wasn’t saying anything, just looking around. I was ninety-nine percent sure he loved it, but there was always that nagging uncertainty. “What do you think? Like it?”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger. He mumbled against my skin, “I love it. This is so thoughtful, and I couldn’t be happier with it. I think I officially love surprises now.” He then eyed me suspiciously, just to tease me. “Who gave you the idea?”

“Nobody did?” I said, my voice raising at the end like it was a question. He lifted an eyebrow, but he was smiling, his eyes shining. Damn, it felt good to have that smile now, and it was all for me. “Okay, I asked Mom. Happy now?”

He cupped my cheek, stroking with his thumb. “Very. It was a smart idea, Trev.”