“Did I wake you?”

She was smiling on the other end. “Old people wake up early, didn’t you know that?”

“You’re not old.”

“Tell that to this meat suit of mine. What’s up, Trev, everything okay?”

“Nothing bad, it’s just that I’m a little worried about Byron.”

“Ah. Alpha parent stuff. I know all about that.”

I scratched at the back of my neck, gazing out the window onto the sprawling acres of perfectly manicured lawn and garden. “Problem is, he’s more uncomfortable than normal. He’s been wanting to shift, but he doesn’t have the space to do it and lay down at the same time. What should I do?”

“The problem for us is always trying to fit into things. Clothes, cars, rooms, beds. Speaking of beds, how’s he been doing with yours?”

“He fits in it when he’s a human, no problem. It’s huge if you’re in your human form. Sure as shit can’t shift in it though...” I trailed off, an idea forming in my head. “What if I was to get him a bed that he could fit in when he was shifted? Like, fully in giraffe form?”

Mom was flummoxed. “They make those kinds of things?”

I puffed up my chest. “I’m a billionaire. Even if nobody makes those kinds of things, somebody will find a way to do it for me. I just need to make a few calls.”

“If you can find a bed like that, I want one, too,” Mom joked.

“I’ll find it, alright, if it’s the last thing I do.”

A few calls indeed was all it took. A specialty furniture company was all too happy to take my custom order and put a rush on the construction, especially when they saw what I was willing to pay.

Once production of my gift was underway, I realized I didn’t have any place to put it. So, I made some more calls. Again, my money came through for me easily. It was good to have stupid amounts of money in the bank, and even better to have a pregnant mate to spoil with it.

Byron had been exhausted lately, so it was surprisingly easy to sneak a construction crew past him. That, and we lived in a twenty-bedroom mansion. It was easy not to know what went on at the other end of the house when it was the size of a college dorm.

It only took a few days of digging, sawing, hacking, and hammering, and then the surprise was delivered. Ha, delivered.

The final product was insane. I’d never seen anything like it. I ignored the price tag, which could buy a house in any part of the country, including on the coasts.

When everything was ready, I went to look for Byron. I shot him a text, then gave him a call, but he wasn’t answering. I shot my staff a text to let me know where he was in the house. Another neat little rich people trick. Nice and easy to find your fated mate with a system like that.

My phone buzzed with a text from one of our cleaning staff.In the library, sir.

Thanks,I replied, along with the prayer hands emoji. I made my way over there, and in no time I found Byron in the reading nook. He had a book in his hand and his mile-long legs crossed under his belly. His head was leaned against the wall. His eyes were closed. He snored softly.

“So damn cute. I hate to wake you, but I got something you’re gonna love, and you can go right back to sleep.” I snapped a picture first. “Gonna make it my phone background, and I’m gonna tease you about it.” I pocketed the phone, then I laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Hey, Bye. Byron.”

“Hmm?” He lifted his head and looked around. Then he looked at the book in his hands, flipping a few of the pages. “Oh. Did I fall asleep?”

I squeezed his shoulder, grinning. “You looked real cute doing it.” He chuckled, and it made his belly shake just a little. So damn cute. “Hey. C’mon, I gotta show you something.”

“What is it?”

“A surprise.”

He gave me a look. “I hate surprises.”

“You love mine, though, and you’re gonna love this one. You’re gonna be a surprise lover after this.” I held out my hand. He took it. I gave a strong pull and helped him to his feet. I held on and led him out of the library and through the house to the side door that led into the garden, which opened up to the acres of land behind the house. Only, it wasn’t just acres of land anymore. Something new was sitting on it.

Byron rubbed his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand as he followed along. “Trevor, have I lost my mind, or did you build another little house next to the really big house?”
