He leaned his head on my shoulder, grinning. “Guess I am stuck with you forever, then.”

I kissed the top of his head. “I can’t wait.”

Chapter 8


Iwas up much earlierthan normal, even before the sunrise. I wasn’t one of those rise-and-grind, up-when-the-rooster-crows kind of rich guys. Why get rich if you’re not gonna sleep in? Today, I was awake because of Byron. He kept tossing and turning. Looking at him now, he was facing me. His hands were folded together like he was praying, but under his cheek. His long legs were drawn up, knees bent, in the fetal position. Speaking of fetuses, his belly curved outward, peeking from underneath his pajama shirt. The baby grew faster than I could have ever imagined, and soon, very soon, they’d be here. It wouldn’t be just the two of us anymore. I’d be someone’s dad.

“Why would you let me do this?” I whispered to Byron. “Become someone’s dad? Did you really think this one through? I mean, it’s me we’re talking about.” He didn’t answer, of course, he was sleeping too hard, busy growing another person. “I’m not gonna ask you when you’re awake. This arrangement suits me just fine, thanks.”

Byron’s brow furrowed and he fidgeted a little, then began the gargantuan task of rolling his protruding stomach over to the other side. He’d already done that this morning, a lot of times. Being this late in a pregnancy was never comfortable, that much I knew, but this seemed even worse than it should be. What kind of alpha was I, and what kind of billionaire, if I couldn’t keep my mate swaddled in complete luxury?

Byron fidgeted on the other side, too. After another minute or two, he turned back over again. This time, his eyes blinked awake, opening in tiny slits.

“What?” He asked, all cute and sleep-mussed and softer than he normally was.

“Nothing. Just watching you.”

He snorted, smiling a little, letting his eyes drift closed. “Creep.”

“That’s me. Big ol’ creep, just for you. You’re not very comfortable, are you?”

He shook his head. “Nuh-uh. It’s normal, though.”

“Yeah, but not like this.”

He shrugged. “Part of it is this darn human body. It helps when I’m in giraffe form, maybe because I have four legs to carry this stomach on instead of two. It’s just hard finding room to stretch out when I wanna lay down. I just wanna have a nice place to lay down.” He scowled and punched his pillow a couple of times. “But even then it would be really hard. You know it takes me an hour to get down there and another to get back up.”

“It’s the legs, Legs.” His lips curved in a smile. I laid one hand on his forehead and the other on his belly. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Looks like you need extra, extra rest and relaxation. Go back to sleep.”

“Mm-hmm.” He drifted back off immediately.

I whispered, “Got a conundrum, don’t I? And yes, I know what that word means. Mostly.” I needed backup, and I knew exactly who to call. I crawled out of bed, taking my phone with me.

Mom picked up on the second ring. “Hello? How’s everything going over there?”