Our relationship had spiraled up and up and up, like some sort of happy funnel cloud, and if not for dealing with his mom’s dire illness, Byron and I would have been resting together in complete bliss. We made love every night. Every night for a month, some times more than once in a night. Now that we had connected through our bodies, we were insatiable, the leopard and giraffe in us always ready for action. Always wanting more.

It wasn’t just sex, either. We were always laughing, teasing, spending every moment together. Talking about the future.

How had I lived without my mate for so long? Why didn’t I get my head out of my ass sooner? None of the other omegas I’d had in my life could ever compare to Byron. I claimed him, and I wanted to marry him, to make him mine-mine- for all of eternity. I wanted to do all thethingswith him. Were we both on the same page, though?

I came back to my senses in the present moment, just as the doctor pulled up a rolling stool and groaned as he sat down in it.

“Getting old,” he quipped.

“Please, you’re a spring chicken. Just a pup,” I quipped back. He chuckled. Mom’s eyes were bright with hope. He was in a an excellent mood.

He rolled up close to Mom’s head and used the pad of his finger to scroll down the screen.

“So far, things are looking good. Things are looking great.”

I pumped my fist. “Yes!” He began to go over all the test results, checking on the wound site from Mom’s surgery, and telling us the findings from the round of chemo they had her do, just in case for some reason they hadn’t removed the whole tumor.

“Of course, we always have to keep in mind that nothing is one-hundred-percent guaranteed and we can’t predict the future. That being said, within my professional capacity and expert knowledge, I see zero signs of any kind of cancer in your body. Congratulations. You beat it. You are officially cancer free.”

The three of us cheered as our surgeon continued. “Now, we have to be watchful and cautious, but I’m proud to be able to say that your prognosis is now excellent, and there’s a strong chance we’ve gotten rid of the cancer and you can go back to living your life again. I know you’re looking forward to that.” He gave her arm a soft pat.

“Doc, you have no idea.” Mom looked at the both of us and smiled. Her eyes cut down to Byron’s middle, and kept going back down there as she grinned wide and bright. What was going on?

“It’s scary,” I added, “thinking that it might have been that choli..challangi-”

“Cholangiocarcinoma. Bile duct cancer.”

“Yeah, that.”

“Both are insidious, of course, and I hope more people get screened for earlier detection so they have a fighting chance of survival. In this case, I’m glad we were in a better position to be able to save your mom.”

Byron and his mom hugged, holding each other for a long time. She shed a few tears, but Bye shed a lot of them, and she patted his back, comforting him. This was so much bigger than me. If my money could do this much good for the people I loved the most in the world, what else could I do with it?

I had been partnering with Abram in his organization, donating money but also trying to do more, like offer my input on operations and fundraising, things I actually knew about. There was a chance I could join the board of the organization, then I could be even more involved in the planning and execution part of helping disadvantaged young kids get their education. Abram was opening up to me, especially with Byron by my side. Maybe it would be fun to go to the classrooms and see how my money went to help the kids, and maybe I ask what other ways I could help. Plus, there had to be a million other charities that could use some of my fortune. It was time to give more.

Just then my phone buzzed with a text. I snuck a look at it, and it was what I’d been hoping for.

It was Abram.I’m texting you so I don’t interrupt any family moments. No rush to read this or respond to it. I just wanted to inform you that you’re officially a member of the board! Welcome to the team. We’re looking forward to seeing how much you can help us do in this position.He even sent me a smiley-face emoji. It was so far out of character for a serious person like him that it just put the icing on the cake for me.

“I did it,” I said out loud.

“Did what? Byron asked, as he and Mom looked over to me.

“I got the position on the board.”

Byron’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not kidding.”

Mom pumped her fist. “Trev, that’s amazing. Good job, Son.”

She and I had gotten close, and her approval meant the world to me now. “Thanks a lot, Mom.

Bye broke from the hug with his mom to give me a big hug. “Who would have thought that the nightmare of an idiot alpha fratboy that I knew all those years ago would turn around and make such a huge impact in the world? I’m proud of you.”

I hugged him back, so grateful to make my mate proud. “Thanks, my love. I’m proud of me, too. I get what I wanted, which is to have a charitable organization trust me enough to let me help. Now lots more kids have access to early education because I can throw gobs of money at them, and I can steer the organization in the right direction to maximize our impact. My news isn’t anywhere near as big as Mom being cancer free, but I’m glad I get to tack it on. I don’t think this day could get much better.”

Byron gave me a thoughtful look. “Actually, I have some news, too.”