“Hmm?” He hummed, nuzzling the top of my head.

I gathered my courage and said it louder. “My mom has liver cancer, and unless we get her surgery, it’s terminal.”

He sat bolt upright. “She what?”

“That’s why I agreed to the date and asked for the money.”

“What kind of cancer did you say it was?”

“Hepatocellular. A rare, aggressive liver cancer.”

He slid to the edge of the bed and stood up. “Give me a minute. I need to make some calls.” I watched that cute, tight butt of his as he walked away, wondering what he was going to do. Trevor pulled out his phone and made a call to who I guessed was his assistant.

“Get me the director at Abbott Medical. Now.” He walked off to some other part of the penthouse suite, his shoulders hunched as he concentrated on the call.

I pulled the covers up to my neck, waiting, hoping, praying. Even though he was one of the most powerful men in the world, I still didn’t want to get my hopes up until I heard exactly what he had in mind. I shifted both ears into their giraffe form, angling them toward my mate, hoping their height and much stronger hearing ability would let me in on his conversation, but all I caught was when his volume got louder, and a few words here and there.

It seemed like an eternity waiting for him to get back, but in reality it was probably more like fifteen minutes.

He tossed his phone on the bed and nodded. “Minnesota. Three days.”

I blinked at him. “What’s happening in Minnesota in three days?”


“What surgery?” Surely he didn’t mean...

He sat down on the edge of the bed. “For your mom. We’re taking her to the Mayo Clinic in three days to get surgery. It should give you both enough time to pack and make arrangements for your home and your jobs. Don’t worry about your jobs, though. If they try to fire you, they’ll have me to deal with. If you want to quit, I’ve got you covered.” I couldn’t believe it. Was Trevor going above and beyond for me, out of the kindness of his own heart, just to take care of me and my mom?

My voice came out squeaky and small. “But, but, it’s so much more expensive here. Even with what you’re paying me, I don’t have enough.”

“You’re not paying for anything.”

“That wasn’t what we agreed to.”

He raised his voice then. “Bye, I don’t care.” His fist tightened in anger. “I’m so pissed that the cost is out of your reach on your own, and that most people can’t even afford basic healthcare around here. The thing is, you’ve got me now. Even if you walk out of this hotel room and never want us to do this again.” He stroked a finger down my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. “We’ll still be friends. Okay?”

I leaned over and rested my forehead on his arm. “Okay.”

He was still angry. His spots were showing. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you come to me?”

“I wanted to. I did.”

“Then why?”

“It’s not like I could just DM you. You can’t tell me you’re not guarded like Fort Knox.”

He growled like the leopard he was. He got up again and went to dig in his bag and pulled out a smart phone. “Here.”

“What’s this for?”

“It’s in my private network, and reaches my line directly. I’ll have it configured so that everyone knows your calls are priority.”

I tilted my head at him. “Do you just carry around thousand-dollar mini computers to give to people you want to call?”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “Yes.”

I laughed. “Of course, you do.”