“What is it, Legs? You change your mind?” He actually looked scared that I had.

“No, it’s not that. I just don’t wanna get caught.”

Trevor laughed and pointed. “Fat chance of that happening.” There was only one button in the elevator, and it was labeled “penthouse” with his freaking name on it.

“Damn. You bought your very own penthouse in the hotel?”

He looked down, a faint blush on his cheeks. “It’s my hotel.”

“Jesus Christ, Trevor.”

“What? I’m a billionaire, I gotta own at least one luxury hotel, right? It’s like, Monopoly rules and stuff.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “At least I get todo itin style.”

“Sure do, babe.”I’m about to get horizontal with my mate in the most exclusive hotel room in the place?I was thinking about having a seat on Trevor’s dick, but I also was thinking, what would the fanciest suite at a hotel look like? The answer was that it didn’t look like a hotel room at all, because it was a whole giant two-floor condo.

To be fair, I didn’t get much of a chance to look at it. Trevor was all over me and I wanted to feel him everywhere.

We made it as far as an aquamarine chaise lounge that probably cost as much as my house, in some kind of sitting room that only the rich had a name or a need for. Trevor and I kissed again, me on top of him, and my jaw ached with it.

Something I couldn’t explain came over me, and it made my mouth wet.

I pushed down on his chest. “Wait.”

“Wait?” He squeaked, grimacing like he was in pain.

“I don’t wanna stop.”

He let his head drop back onto the chaise. “Thank god.”

“I want something else.” I slid off of him and onto the floor.

“Do you want...oh, that’s what you want?” His voice became breathy when he saw me on me knees in front of him.

“Mm-hmm.” I focused on the front of his slacks, his not-so-little alpha straining against the expensive fabric. I licked my lips and got to work on his zipper. The carpet was luxe, but Trevor still put a pillow down for my knees. It was unexpectedly sweet, and made me want him even more.

“You know, even down there you’re still so damn tall, but seeing you look up at me for once, with those big, sweet brown eyes with crazy long lashes, it makes me weak.”

“Really?” He made me feel so good. So beautiful, like someone to fall in love with.

He nodded. “Mm-hmm.” I got his zipper loose and freed his erection. God, did it ever look good.

I ran my palms up his thighs. “Here’s something I bet you never realized while you were teasing me about being a giraffe.”

“What’s that?” he squeaked out, his voice breaking like a teenaged virgin.

“I have a really, really long tongue.”

“Oh, fuck.” I flicked it out between my lips, turning Trevor’s erection into cast-iron. I wrapped the entire thing around his cock, sliding all six inches of it up and down as I fellated him. To my surprise, both the suction of my mouth and the pressure of my long tongue drew the orgasm right out of him.

My mouth hung open in shock. At first, I was worried I had done too much, too fast. Then I looked up and saw Trevor’s expression. He looked like a happy drunk.

I bit my lip, proud of myself. “I didn’t mean to make you...”

He nodded downward to show me he was still hard, no signs of slowing down. “Don’t worry about it. I couldn’t hold back because of that tongue, and because it’s you, but there’s so much I wanna do to you tonight. We’re just getting started.”

“Okay,” I said, as he grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet. He bent me over the arm of the chaise lounge, ass in the air, head almost touching the carpet, long legs splayed out, as if in giraffe form at a water hole. He yanked my pants down, just below the cleft of my behind, enough to expose my balls. Trevor used his hands to grab my ass cheeks, two of his fingertips breaching me ever so slightly, spreading me wide open. I’d never been that exposed, sexually or emotionally.This is my mate. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, and I’m scared. Maybe he’ll send me the money and I’ll never see him again. Right now, though, this is right.