I tugged on the lapels of my blazer. “Idolook good tonight. A little showing off won’t hurt.” My giraffe was pleased, blinking its long eyelashes, ready to flirt. A little flirting wouldn’t hurt either, I supposed.
I took a deep breath as the car pulled up to the venue, a boutique five-star hotel, taking its place with all the other Rolls-Royces and Aston Martins.
Someone in a neat suit with white gloves opened my door.
I stepped out. “Here we go.”
The inside of the building was lavish. Onstage, there was a live jazz band and a classy woman in an elegant gown singing an Ella Fitzgerald song. I swung my head from left to right, looking for Trevor but trying to keep my movements slow so no one would realize how completely out of my depth I felt.
The receptionist smiled when I stepped up to the little table in the front to check-in.
I choked out, “I’m looking for Trevor.” I didn’t mention any last names or any companies, which couldn’t have been helpful, but this woman was a wizard.
“You must be Byron.”
All I could say back was, “Yes.”
She put on a wide smile and stood up, smoothing down her satiny skirt. “Right this way, sir, your mate is expecting you.”
“He’s not-” I cut myself off before I denied it. Trevor was my mate, but we’d never talked about it publicly. Now, people knew. From the receptionist’s amused smile, it was no small deal. A playboy billionaire like Trevor, on a date with his mate? Hell, it might even end up in People magazine. Imagine that!
Up ahead, in the very front of the room next to the dance floor, was an elegantly decorated eight-top round table. I laid eyes on Trevor, looking good enough to eat. He stood when he saw me coming. The smile on his face was big and open and excited. It was genuine. He was happy to see me.
Suddenly, a bashful feeling swept over me. Just before I reached him, a thought occurred to me.People know I’m his mate because he told them I was. He wants people to know about us.
He greeted me with a gentle hand on my arm and a kiss on my cheek. “Hey, gorgeous. Glad you could make it.”
“What, like I had something better to do?” I teased, resting a hand on his shoulder and returning his kiss. Oh, no, that was too much. That was too weird. However, Trevor was delighted by my lack of decorum, if his grin was anything to go by. The other guests around the table were barely hiding their amusement. We’re selling it already. Who else would talk to him like that besides his mate?
“Have a seat, honey.” Trevor pulled out my chair for me.
I sat. “Thanks, um, dear.” I gulped and took my dinner napkin off the plate and spread it on my lap. I glanced up to see Trevor staring at me with stars in his eyes. I dropped mine back down to my napkin, feeling like someone tickled my funny bone, except the feeling was all over my body.
Everyone introduced themselves as we waited for the program to begin. Appetizers were passed out and champagne flowed easily, helping me to relax into the “date,” and stop being so skittish about Trevor sitting next to me, his arm on the back of my chair.
We were served a four-course dinner, during which the program began and we listened to different speakers talk about the merits of the charity. Trevor was donating to a charity? To help educate young children? I was beginning to look at him with new eyes. The way he beamed up at the five-year-old on stage, who was giving a sweet little speech about how much he loved to draw cheetahs, and how the fund helped him get crayons to do that, was enough to give me baby fever.
After the program, people whipped out their checkbooks and wrote down a lot of zeroes with their fancy pens. There was still dessert to be had, and the band started playing again so people could continue to drink, network, and have a good time.
Inevitably, curiosity got the best of our table mates and they got the courage to start asking us questions.
“So, how did you two lovebirds meet?” Asked an older man with a Patek Philippe watch and a nose that belied his drinking habits.
Trevor and I exchanged glances. At least we didn’t have to lie about this part.
“College. And yes, he was just as bad then. Never seen an ego so big.” I held my hands far apart for emphasis. “Size of a blue whale.”
“Size of the Empire State, Baby, and don’t you forget it.” I rolled my eyes, but the slight smirk on my face wasn’t exactly fake.
“You’ve got the bickering down pat. I would have thought you’d been married at least twenty years.”
“We’ve crammed a lot more in, thanks to this guy.”
“Awwwww, but it’s been so much fun, hasn’t it, Snookums?” He threw an arm around my neck and pulled me in, nuzzling his nose firmly into my neck. It tickled, but it didnotfeel good. Definitely not. Nope, no fluffy, fuzzy feelings here.
“Get off me.” I gave him a little shove. More gentle than I planned to. I also let out more of a giggle than I planned on.
The man laughed. “Same with my better half. We bicker, flirt, argue, and everything in between.”