Chapter 5


“This must be some eventyou got tonight,” Mom said, her eyes lighting up as she watched me pull on my white undershirt. “Who’d you say it was with again?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “Just some old friend from college.” I was careful to keep my eyes focused in the bedroom mirror, and keep my back toward her as she sat in a chair in the corner watching me.

Mom shook her head. “Couldn’t be.”

I stiffened for a moment, then made myself relax. “What do you mean?” I said, trying to keep my voice from going too high-pitched and suspicious.

“I get that the party’s fancy and all, but you’re adding some touches that you usually save for your dates. Like the cologne you’re wearing. Your hair, too. You’ve got it combed back all suave and whatnot.” She pointed, quite pleased with herself. Shit, she was right.

I shrugged on a crisp white dress shirt and buttoned it up. “It’s only because it’s a dinner for rich people, Mom. I’m trying to make myself look expensive so I blend in.”

“That you do. Let me look at you.” I held my arms out and did a little spin. “So handsome. All the alphas are gonna be looking at you tonight.” I chuckled, thinking about how Trevor would handle that. Not very well, and the thought amused me. Him jealous over me would be a sight to see. Crazy that we were going together in the first place.

A smile tugged at my lips as I thought of Trevor going all leopard-y on anybody who tried to look at me. “Not highly likely.”

Mom crossed her arms. “Just the one who’s taking you on the date, huh?”

“Um...” I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t come up with a lie fast enough.

Mom waved a hand at me. “It makes me so happy to see you going out like this and enjoying yourself. Don’t know how many more times I’ll get the opportunity, you know?” She wiped a tear with the back of her hand.

I swung around and wrapped her in my biggest, tightest hug. “Don’t say that, Mom,” I whispered into her shoulder, smelling her laundry detergent and shampoo, two familiar things out of millions that I’d had for a lifetime. I wasn’t ready to lose them.

“It’s the truth, Bye, and we shouldn’t dance around it. I might not make it. That means we need to cherish these precious moments.”

“We’ll have more, Mom, I promise.” Inside, my whole body shook with fear. I couldn’t lose my A-Mom. I wasn’t gonna just stand back and watch her die. I’d play the hell out of my role tonight, and have everybody fooled that I was madly in love with Trevor, and make him deposit my money as soon as the clock struck midnight, like I was Cinderella.

Mom dropped a bomb on me then.

She cradled my face and gently squeezed my cheeks. “I wish I could stick around to see you get all gussied up, just like this, to go out with your mate.” I rested my face in her hands, letting her hold my chin up. I didn’t want to drop my head from the guilt. I wanted to tell her the truth, but the whole scenario was just too complicated. Mom was a prideful alpha, and she’d hit the roof if she knew somebody was about to give us “charity.” Even if it was to save her life. She surely wouldn’t accept me spending time with an alpha in exchange for it, regardless of what we were doing or not doing.

What if I could tell her I was going out with my fated mate, but that we were actually in love, and he was giving me the money? Technically, his money would be my money at that point. Imagine that. Being so rich that you could beat practically anything that threatened you, including cancer.

Forgetting about the money, what if I could just tell her about the date being with my mate? Not everybody found theirs. It was something special.

My mind wandered, to a place where not only my mom had her liver surgery covered and the cost of healthcare was no longer an object, but where Trevor and I actually were mated and in love. The two of us would fly around the world on private jets, bickering, cuddling, and making love. Yeah, that’s how I knew I was in dreamland. That couldneverhappen between Trevor and I, even if some deep-seated part of me wanted it. It was just my luck, wasn’t it? To have a fated mate who was a hot billionaire but we hated each other’s guts. At least, we used to. I wasn’t so sure about that any more.

I finished getting ready and waited for the car Trevor had arranged for me, no doubt a big, fancy one so I could fit in with the bigwigs at the event. It turned out to be an Aston Martin with a driver who got out to greet me and open my door. I had to admit, it was nice getting treated to luxury for once.

Mom’s eyes widened when she saw the car, and she gave me a look that said,I’m gonna make you spill about this later.I shook my head and chuckled as I got into the truck.

Mom leaned in and kissed me goodbye, and I waved as we pulled away. She already looked like a different person. Smaller, older, with the life drained out of her.I’m gonna fix it, Mom, just watch.

Turning to face forward, as I gazed at the moving scenery through the windshield, I heard humming. Where was that coming from? Wait, it was me! I hummed along to the alternative rock song on the radio station. Despite it all, I was in a good mood. Why? Because I was about to see Trevor.I’m only being vulnerable like this because of what’s going on with Mom. This isn’t like me. My brain is scrambled, that’s why my guard is down.

At the same time, my instincts hummed,mine. Mine, mine, mine.My inner giraffe wanted to strut around on impossibly long legs and toss its head back, showing off for our mate.