She looked off for a moment, visibly emotional, before she met his eyes straight on. “Walk away. I do when I have to. Always.”

He could hear all the pain behind those words. The hurt was so tangible, he could feel the breaks in her heart. “Walking away has made you happier even though it caused you great pain. But it opened up another whole life for you, didn’t it? One where you got to do what you truly wanted. Including being here. Because Taylor, everything you’ve done—every choice you’ve made—has led you to Ireland.”

To me.

“Jeez!” She threw down the mangled fry. “What’s it like reading minds?”

“I don’t read minds, per se,” he answered carefully. “I sense things. Strongly.”

That wary look returned. “Everythingabout me?”

He reached for her hand. “No. I want you to tell me about yourself, although there are times when information comes through. Visions. Emotions. Messages.”

She let go of his hand, a clear withdrawal. “I’m not sure I completely like that answer, although I appreciate the sentiment. I’m usually the one interviewing people and analyzing what I hear for the world to read. It’s strange to be on the other end. Uncomfortably so.”

Trust would have to built, but he didn’t want her to fear his gifts. “It’s just who I am. Although, yeah, some of my friends call me Yoda because of it.”

“Yoda?” Her laughter was like Christmas bells. “You’re way too hot for Yoda.”

“Thank you. And Taylor… You can ask me anything you want. Anytime.”

“Noted.” She plucked up another fry and popped it in her mouth. “I’ll start compiling my questions.”

“Good.” He pointed to her empty glass. “Something else?”

She shook her head. “Nah. Better not. Makes the jet lag worse after being so dehydrated from the plane.”

Since her water glass was also empty, he pushed his toward her. “Drink mine. It’s getting busier, so our bartender might not top us up quickly. And then we’d better get you to your new home.”

“My mobile home palace fortified like a compound.” She stretched her arms overhead, the sight making his mouth go dry with want. “I can’t wait for the space. In my Manhattan studio, I could lean over and brush my teeth in the sink. I’m imagining doing yoga without hitting my elbows on any of the furniture.”

“Need a yoga mat?” he asked, which made her smile.

“Got one you can offer me, huh?” she replied, downright flirty.

The energy arced between them. “Uh-huh.”

“Ever teach it?” She reached over to touch his bicep and squeezed. “I wasn’t joking about you looking like a yogi. Leanandripped. Very hot.”

“Glad you think so. Also, you can join me anytime for yoga.” Joy shot through him at the thought. Yoga was something special to him, something few around Caisleán really understood.

“Maybe.” Her smile was that of a minx. “I have to get up to speed with my new job, which hopefully won’t be overshadowed by my earlier chat with Malcolm. Just how upset were Linc and your mother when you texted them?”

“I don’t know.” He grimaced. “I told her I had you and was turning my phone off. I might have also included a plea to let you settle in. Of course, she and Linc will be upset. Everyone will be. We take these kinds of threats very seriously. It’s been incredible to see the kind of jealousy, hate, and avarice an arts center could bring out in some folks. My aunt included.”

“Yeah, I’ve been briefed on her.” She started counting on her fingers. “Fixed rose competitions. Harassment at people’s homes. County interference. And hateful signs and calls for censorship. How are you related to a woman like that?”

He still didn’t know what had broken Aunt Mary, and he truthfully didn’t care anymore. She’d gone too far. “She’s my father’s sister. As to the other, I don’t know. Only she’s been that way as long as my mother has been in Ireland. Clearly you can handle yourself, but you aren’t going to want to underestimate her. Start live streaming if you see her coming. And don’t let her in through your gates.”

“That was my plan.” She touched his sleeve, fingering the hem, all the while gazing at him with her big brown eyes. “You worried about me, Liam?”

His heart sped up a little, answering for him. “Yeah. I know we’ve only just met, but I care about you. I want you to be safe, Taylor. More, I want you to be happy. And if I thought it would help, I’d camp outside the gate to your compound tonight just to make sure.”

“That’s really sweet, and again, unexpected.” She took a sharp breath. “Although if I were open to having you around, I’d suggest the couch. I knew how cold October would be here, but experiencing it is different. It’s the kind of cold that chills the bones, isn’t it?”

The couch comment was progress enough. “I’m used to it, but the Yanks say it’s winter cold. Do you have your phone? You should have my number. In case you need anything.”

She dug it out, biting back a smile. “Not because you want to ask me out?”