She distantly heard Jon opening the concert over the microphone with aHello Caisleánand then BETS O’HANLON boomed on the loudspeakers, followed by “Come up here for this song. It’s for women of vision. Just like you.”

Her favorite Bon Jovi song started playing. “It’s My Life.”

“He just called me up on the stage!” She grabbed Linc’s hands, unleashing feathers in the air as they grinned at each other. “You’re the best. The absolute best.”

He caressed her cheek and turned her to the stage. “Go. It’s your moment. You deserve it. When you’re having a bad day, I want you to remember how a widowed woman in her so-called golden years living in the wilds of Ireland got this crazy idea and went for it. With everything she’s got. You’re a rock star now, Bets. This is my way of telling you I see you and to never forget it.”

God, that damn burn of tears was back. “Do you have any idea how much I love you right now?”

He tugged on her boa tenderly. “Yeah, same here. We’re taking a ton of pictures in case you get grandma brain or something. I’ve heard some people can get it psychosomatically.”


Then she heard someone call her name again. Jon! Holy—

“That’s Jon. Gotta go.” She lurched forward and kissed him square on the mouth. “You’ll be right here when I get back?”

He didn’t make a joke for once. Only kept his loving blue eyes fixed on hers. “Always.”

She started walking toward the stage after blowing him a kiss, ensuring her pink PROUD GRANDMA T-shirt wasn’t riding up. The whole village was watching her, so she put an exaggerated wiggle into her hips in time with the music as she started up the stairs. Maybe she could talk Jon into letting the Lucky Charms join her. Facing her friends, she flashed them a playful smile and started singing after catching a finger wave from Sorcha before the ghost disappeared at the back of the crowd along with her Bruce.

Her favorite verse was next, and she grabbed the ends of her boa as she joined her favorite rock stars and sang the words at the top of her lungs, dancing for all she was worth as the crowd cheered and whistled her on.

It’s my life.

You’re damn right it is, she thought, throwing her arms up to the sky as the beat swelled, Kindness Sheep bayed in time to the music, and a double rainbow appeared in the clear blue Irish sky.

* * *

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* * *

Ready to take a trip to Paris? Get The Paris Roommates: Thea, the first book in Ava’s new heartfelt series.

Read on for a sneak peek…



A Mother’s Wish

Food is comfort. Food is home. Food is love.

In the hardest times of my life—and there have been many—I’ve turned to food for succor. Is it any wonder? With the right ingredients, you can create anything. There’s magic in that.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise that when my dear husband died ten years ago, I turned my focus to my restaurant.

Only it wasn’t enough. I could still feel the empty space my dear Bernard had left all around me. The spot in my kitchen where he’d lean against the wall, his arms folded, that gleam in his cognac-colored eyes as he watched me cook for our guests. The boxy chair where he’d sit and go over the week’s paperwork, muttering as he ran his hands through his thick gray hair. His rumpled side of our bed. The corner of my heart that beat for him.

My restaurant, Nanine’s, was missing its main ingredient: love.

Was it any wonder I sought something to bring some spice back into my life? To fill the silence that echoed throughout my space and my heart, because even my magical chandelier had stopped chiming its whimsical notes, bereft as I was.

And so I contacted the Sorbonne andLe Cordon Bleuto place an ad:Restaurant positions open in exchange for room and board. One-year term. Contact Nanine Laurent.