“I said I get it,” she said, frustration still lacing her voice. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Liam.”

When she left in a blur, he knew she was probably fighting tears. He almost went after her, but Linc’s hand kept him in place.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, son. Adjustments take time. She’s barely slept, and her emotions are on a short fuse. Don’t take it personally. I’ll help her out as much as she’ll let me.”

“She’s lucky to have you.” He grabbed the handle of the back door and stopped. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to say anything—or when—but this seems like a good time. My dad visited me while I was in jail.”

Shock rippled over Linc’s face. “Like Sorcha does?”

“Yes. Exactly. I just wanted you to know he’s really happy you’re with my mum. In fact, he said you see her better than he did and you encourage what she holds inside her heart. I thought you might like hearing that.”

His throat worked as Linc rubbed his jaw. “Well, hell, I’m on a short fuse too because that moves me quite mightily, I must say. I’m glad to hear that, son. Now get on with you.”

Liam gave in to the urge and walked over and embraced the man. He hugged him as he would a father and welcomed another level of love and respect between them.

When they separated, Linc laid his hand on his shoulder. “Yeah. Me too.”

Liam was smiling as he walked toward the door. When he reached for the handle, the knob turned and the door cracked open.

“What are you doing?” Taylor asked, her face a mixture of joy and consternation. “I’ve been standing out here in the cold trying to look inconspicuous. Are we leaving or what?”

Liam almost laughed, but he was so happy to see her. Linc crossed and opened the door wide, pushing him out into the back. “You’re leaving. Have fun, kids.”

They faced each other in the quiet of the alley after he slammed the door.

She reached for him, only to yank her hands back. “If you kiss me now or I touch you, I’ll be done. You might as well drag me to the ground and have me right here. Even though it’s freezing out, I don’t think I’ll notice. I just want to hold you and never let go.”

God, how smiling felt good after the last few days. “So we wait until we’re home?”

She grabbed his hand and led him toward a side street.

“Taylor, love, you’re going the wrong way.”

“No, I’m not. I hear we’re taking Linc’s car to confound people, and you have the keys. Gimme.”

He kissed her hand as he placed them in her palm. Her answering grin could have lit the Universe. Just like that, they were partners again.

“Stay here. I’ll pick you up in this alley. If someone sees you outside the pub…”

“We’re done for,” he said with a laugh.

“You think this is funny?” she asked.

“After the last several days, yeah.”

Her face fell. “Right. You’ll have to tell me about that. Be back in a jiffy.”

He spotted Linc’s Range Rover a minute later. The car door swung open, and he jumped in. She hit the gas, which had them both laughing, and sped out of town.

The sight of the new Kindness Sheep in the surrounding pastures—Carrick’s and other farmers’ and the ones of Keegan O’Malley that hadn’t been shorn—had him breathing deeply to control his rising emotion. The words that shone out in the swarm of puffy bodies were more than apt—they were signs.



