“I am Veritas,” she repeated before Eoghan clinked their whiskey glasses together as the party kicked into full swing.


Liam had never been so desperate to leave a pub filled with friends and family, but the truth was he needed to be alone with someone.

Namely, his soulmate.

He also needed a shower for sure, though certainly no one seemed to mind. They practically hugged and squeezed him to death as he made his way through the pub, thanking everyone and getting caught up on news.

Taylor was always in his sight, filling his relieved and grateful heart, sitting next to Eoghan, whom he was happy to see was her new friend, and Ghislaine, of course, who continued to post live segments from his release party.

When Ghislaine suddenly cried out, “Mon dieu!Bono came to the Dublin protest,” everyone turned as she and Taylor jumped up and did a little dance, one that had him grinning from ear to ear along with the rest.

“You might ask Bono to join the arts center board now, Linc,” Donal called out from the bar where he was standing and talking to Brady’s dad, who had joined his son to keep the drinks flowing.

The whole town had shown up at the pub after hearing about his release. It was going to take a power outage to shut this party down. Actually, that wouldn’t do it either. Brady and the others would only light candles and bring in portable lights. He smiled slowly as Taylor looked over at him, giving him an enthusiastic thumbs-up. Then her brown eyes went all soft and dreamy, and he felt his heart clutch as the thought rolled through him that she was well and truly his.

“She’s one hell of a girl,” Linc said, slapping him on the back, “and she’s worked tirelessly to bring you home and make Malcolm pay.”

He turned to face the man and gripped his shoulder in return. “You all have. Thank you.”

“I’m sorry it happened in the first place,” he said, scowling. “I figure you have some stories to share with us—like those bruises no one wants to ask about—but let’s hold off until tomorrow. I expect you have other things on your mind.”

He pressed something into Liam’s hand then, and Liam’s fingers curved around a car fob.

“I’m going to take you to the back for a private conversation—or so we’ll tell anyone who asks us as we step behind the bar. Those are my keys. Ghislaine will take Taylor outside on some ruse, and you two can get out of here. I’ve already arranged everything with her.”

Emotion clogged his throat. He was lucky to have another good man looking out for him in addition to his father’s efforts from the other side. “Didn’t Taylor bring her car?”

Linc laughed gustily. “Son, this here is Ireland, as you know. I figured you two might not be missed for a while if her car’s still in the lot.”

“You’re starting to get the way of things around here. Mum will be upset though.”

He’d seen the way she’d looked when he’d gone to Taylor first. He hoped she could understand.

“Don’t you know that old phrase? A son is a son until he takes a wife? That’s why I’m glad I have a daughter. I’m pardoned for worrying about her forever.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Liam, Bets might need time to adjust, but she will. Moreover, she’s happy for you. I figure it was no different for you when she started to date.”

His mouth twitched as memories flooded him. “I stopped walking in unannounced, that’s for sure.”

“Same consideration goes for us.” He guided Liam to the side of the bar, and they stepped into Brady’s storage room leading to the back door. “Show up at the house whenever you feel up to it. Don’t feel rushed.”

Still, he felt guilty about leaving. Especially when his mum darted into the back to join them. “What are you doing?”

Linc’s mouth pursed before he said, “I was taking this boy out here to ask him a few private questions. Sugar, you go on back in and keep my seat warm.”

“Like hell.” She fisted her hands at her side. “I want to hear what happened to him too, Linc. He’s my son.”

And there it was. “Mum,” he said gently, “I’ll tell you everything you need to know, but I’d like a little time. Taylor and I are going to make a getaway. Linc and Ghislaine are helping.”

“But you just got here!” She rushed forward and gripped his arm. “You were in prison for days. I was so worried.”

“Bets, honey.” Linc took her hand. “He’s been through an ordeal and all he wants to do is be alone with the woman he loves. He’ll come over tomorrow. Don’t you worry none.”

Her lip trembled, and Liam’s heart trembled along with it. He went with honesty because it was his default—and all he could think to do to assuage her hurt. “Linc was just talking about adjustments. The kind I had to make when you started dating again. We’re going through something similar right now. Mum, I love you, and I always will, but Taylor is my Linc, and I want to be with her right now more than I want to breathe, honestly.”

She sniffed and nodded. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I was only…”

“Bets, the kid said he wants it more than breathing,” Linc continued, helping him out. “That’s a powerful lot of wanting because if you aren’t breathing—”