“No, it’s not,” Arthur agreed. “And you should keep posting as Veritas online, declaring your independence and discounting the charge that Liam O’Hanlon is you. Embarrass Malcolm while we keep up our investigation.”

“We’re going to find something, Taylor,” Connor said after being quiet the whole time. “I always get this feeling close to a breakthrough in business.”

“Me too,” Quinn admitted.

She’d felt it too while they were working today, putting more shell companies up on the board, but how much longer would it take? How long would Liam remain in jail? “It makes me sick to say this, but we’re betting a lot on Malcolm going down after you publish his wrongdoings, Arthur. Maybe he’ll sidestep this too. I know it was my plan, but even if hedoesgo down, am I being naïve to think other people won’t step froward and take his place? They could keep Liam in jail to make a point.”

“We can’t think that way right now,” Eoghan said, patting her arm. “We have to believe we can win.”

“Or we might as well never get out of bed in the morning,” Arthur added, pushing his glasses up his nose. “And trust me, there might be a lot about life that sucks, but there’s a whole hell of a lot more good when you look for it. Veritas does a great service in the world. Clearly,sheunderstands that.”

Taylor bit her lip to keep her emotions in check. “She might be having a slight existential crisis right now.”

“It happens to all of us.” Arthur came over, pulled her out of her seat, and put his arm around her. “Standing for truth and decency shouldn’t be hard, but by God, there are a lot of bastards out there who make it so.”

“I called them bastards too, Uncle.” Flynn held out his fist for a fist bump. “I feel like we’re having a moment.”

Arthur snorted but gave him a hearty fist bump, which Flynn playfully pretended hurt his hand. The move did what he’d intended, and the mood lightened a fraction.

She took a deep breath, finally able to fill her lungs. “I’m away from the cliff now.”

“Good,” Arthur said, squeezing her once for good measure, “because I don’t think I need to tell you that Veritas’ identity is safe with us.”

That was why she had trusted the Merriams and let them help her. “With the Irish government proclaiming it’s Liam, while I disagree online as the real Veritas,” she said wryly. “Sometimes it feels like a single voice in the wind can’t be heard.”

“Sometimes a single voice is all it takes to inspire others to join in,” Arthur said, kissing her cheek. “The power of numbers has changed the winds of fortune time and time again.”

A single voice…

The power of numbers…

A movie scene flashed into her mind, that of man after man coming forward to say he was Spartacus, the leader of a group of slaves, after the Roman general announced he would crucify them all unless they identified Kirk Douglas’ famous character.

“My love of old movies just paid off.” She glanced around the room. “We need aSpartacusmoment.”

Arthur gave a chortle. “Because Malcolm can’t put everyone in jail. I see where you’re going with this. AnI am Veritas!campaign.”

Eoghan let out a lyrical whoop. “I know that film. We’ll do it at Malcolm’s very door, in Watertown, with the press looking on. Oh, what a spectacle!” He rubbed his hands together in delight. “Taylor, it so happens my specialty is bringing people forward for a cause. If you don’t mind me helping…”

She remembered what Sorcha had said about trusting Eoghan. She hadn’t listened before. That stopped now. “I’d love your help.”

“You might also gather your millions of fans online and ask them to show up at certain locations in major cities,” J.T. added, arching his brow.

“Certainly in front of government buildings in Dublin,” Quinn broke in with a wolfish grin. “No reason not to remind supposedly elected officials and members of law enforcement to properly do their jobs for we, the people.”

“Louisa would be happy to organize something in Chicago, I imagine,” Connor said with a quiet smile. “Make it global. There are a lot of people who share your feelings about the misuse of power and don’t know what to do. My beautiful wife always says something like this gives them a voice too. Let them stand up with you, Taylor.”

Hope burst through her. Already it was coming together—and because she’d finally trusted people. Liam would be so proud of her.

J.T. slapped her phone in her hand. “Get started on the plan while the rest of us fit in another marathon investigative session before bedtime. Because I’m tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Flynn playfully yawned. “Yeah, but it was pretty great, wasn’t it? I’m buying a whole bunch of spray paint when I get home and covering our garage walls with positive words with the kids.”

“Just don’t let Amelia spray-paint Carrot, her poor pony,” Arthur said with a grimace. “But I digress. Well, I think we have a plan. We Merriams will continue to unravel the secrets of Malcolm’s empire while you run your campaign to free Liam from unlawful incarceration.”

“It does sound like a good plan,” she admitted, glancing around and finally smiling. “So let me be the first to say…”

Her blood sang as she prepared to do something she’d avoided for years.