She snuggled against him, purposely wiggling as she felt his morning arousal. “Right. We were too busy last night for details about your visions.”

“We wereexperiencingthe details,” he said with a laugh, caging her hips with one arm.

The press of him had her body pulsing in urgent beats. “I want to experience them again. You okay with staying in bed all day? I know it’s our day off, and you haven’t seen your friends much this past week, but please say yes.”

His mouth settled over hers, and the weightless feeling in her heart magnified. “Of course, I want to stay like this with you. As long as we can.”

“Good.” She fitted her leg over his hip as she took him inside her, making them both groan. “I’m probably going to have to thank Sorcha at some point.”

“Later,a stór,” he whispered as he pressed in deep.

She arched into the slow friction of their joined bodies. “Yes, later. Much later.”

The entire day contained more revelations, a frequent flyer card to paradise, and when she could actually hold a thought in her head—when her body wasn’t keyed into bliss mode—she wondered how she had ever lived without him. It was only a week ago that she’d arrived, but her entire life had changed.

She told him that, along with a few other suggestions for some additional spicy soulmate sex as they ate on the couch as night fell. He made a fire, wanting to see the light play over her skin. God, he knew how to get to her with words like that. Their lovemaking was as intense as it was connected. She’d never looked into anyone’s eyes this much during sex before, but in Liam’s eyes, she had found everything she was looking for.

They fell asleep in front of the fire, and she awoke when he jerked straight up awake, breathing hard. The suddenness pushed aside her sleep.

“Bad dream?” she whispered as she touched his face.

He nodded quickly. “Just give me a moment. I need some water.”

She realized he was drenched in sweat as she rose to follow him. Dawn’s light was visible from the windows with ribbons of red, yellow, and blue hovering above the rise of the green hills. She grabbed a hand towel as he downed a glass of water and wet it in the sink before pressing it to the back of his boiling neck. His eyes were clenched tightly, focusing on his breaths. She ran a comforting hand up his back, aware he was trembling.

This was bad, whatever it was. She’d never seen him this discombobulated, not even when he’d rushed to her rescue the day she’d arrived. She waited until he finally set the glass down, his hand no longer trembling. Leaning back against the counter, he studied her, his entire body knotted with tension.

Her own muscles locked in place. “Can you tell me? I want to help.”

He touched her arm as he walked past her, picking up his phone to turn on the ringer. “I figure we’ll be hearing soon enough.”

The phone rang in his hand, making her jump in place. He took a deep breath and answered, his face grave. When he held his hand out to her, she grabbed it and pressed herself to his now cold frame as he did nothing but listen. She could hear a woman’s voice crying on the other line. The air was heavy with something dark now, and she squeezed her eyes closed, trying to fight it off.

“I’ll be there in a minute, Mum.” He clicked off and wrapped both arms around her. “In my dreams, I saw a fetch. It’s an Irish apparition of something real. Then Mum called. Taylor—”

She looked up as he pressed his hand hard to his mouth. “Just tell me.”

“Someone sheared the Kindness Sheep, and in the process, they killed two and left a message of their own.”

She gasped, tightening her grip on him. “No! How could anyone do that?”

He swallowed thickly before dragging her tightly against him. “Taylor, I need to go. Mum is beside herself, and Keegan is out of his mind. The Garda is coming. The village will be showing up…”

She hugged him hard, wanting to comfort him but still in shock herself. “I’ll go with you.”

“It’s your choice.” His sigh was heartbreaking, as was the way he lowered his head to her shoulder. “I would never stop you from doing something. But it’s going to be ugly, and I would spare you that.”

Cupping the back of his neck, she forced herself to be strong. This was her moment to give back to him. “We’re partners, remember? I go where you go. We get through this together. Plus, it’s my job as media director to…”

She trailed off. She had no idea what the media director of an arts center did with news like this. But Veritas…an image formed in her mind—of sheep floating up to heaven with angel’s wings. She would think about that later.

“Come on.” She kissed him softly on the neck, all the love she had for him rising within her. “Let’s get dressed and go.”

“I have something else I have to tell you.” Another firm press of his forehead into her skin before he lifted his head. “I had another vision while I was dreaming. Only this wasn’t a dream either. Taylor… God—I don’t want to tell you this.”

The sharp tentacles of fear wrapped themselves around her. But she’d faced them down before and would again. She bit her lip to bring her back to herself. “Just say it.”

His mouth worked before he managed to get the words out: “I saw myself behind bars.”