She lifted her head, her brown eyes fevered with passion, and then she pressed forward, taking him slowly, inch by glorious inch. He fought to keep his gaze on her, wanting to throw his head back and surrender to the desire pulsing between them. She lowered herself, taking him all the way, making them both groan.

“Oh, God, I think I’m going to come,” she breathed out, arching into him.

He locked himself in place inside her as her muscles started contracting around him. “Come for me then. Right now.”

She pressed against him and exploded, her body pulsing around him. He sought his breath for control, staying still inside her as an avalanche of pleasure washed over her. He stayed that way, focusing on his breathing, until she touched his face. A fraction of his control snapped, and he took another deep cleansing breath as he finally looked at her.

Her entire being was shining, her soul radiating sunlight from her eyes. She traced his face with reverence before kissing him slowly on the lips. The slow slide of her tongue into his mouth frayed more of his control. His breathing shattered. He put his hands to the small of her back and surged forward.

She cried out and arched back. “Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Do that again.”

He repeated the motion, keeping himself high and tight against her core. She ignited a second time, crying out as the waves rocked her again. He let his breath go and joined her in the rush, surging deeply into her again and again and again until his orgasm took him under. He was weightless, connected to something larger and more powerful than anything he’d ever known. When he heard her cry out, he answered with his own, twining his arms around her as she locked her legs to hold him tightly as she pulsed and pulsed and pulsed around him.

He let himself lay back on the bed after unmolding her legs but kept them joined, wanting to feel her body in every aftermath of pleasure as she lay over him.

He wasn’t aware of his own body, only of the sensation of her, warm and pliant against him. His heart floated until there was nothing but a heartbeat, his and hers, the sound of their love combined for all eternity. Behind his eyes, the light was a glorious gold, so beautiful and bright, he felt himself change in its presence.

There was a reason some considered sex sacred, he thought, as he descended from the clouds. In the arms of one’s soulmate, nirvana was attainable, the state of perfect contentment the masters spoke of. And it was all because of this potent love…

She stirred and poked him in the ribs, which brought him back the rest of the way. When he finally opened his eyes, she had a cocky smile on her face. “You communing with the gods? Because I have to say, I feel ya.”

He stretched until he had his hands under his head with his elbows out, which she tickled as well. Because she could, he imagined. “The secret to the meaning of life was in that experience.”

Her eyes grew larger. “Really? We should hold another press conference.”

That she would balance his deeply spiritual side with her grounded sense of humor only made him smile. They were perfectly paired. “Maybe tomorrow. I think we have more newsworthy items to pursue. Like how many orgasms you can take in one night.”

“I’ve already lost count.” She shifted on his chest and gave an earthy moan. “I mean, that was seriously like one long commuter train of orgasms. One stop and back to the rush. Another stop and—”

“You have a way with words as much as with art,” he interrupted, rolling them until she was underneath him. “But,a stór,you are indeed lucky. Because I have a way with soulmate sex, as you call it.”

He could already feel his energy rising again, kicked up by the swirling and pulsing center in her core. Her breath was already growing more rapid as her body readied for him again.

“You certainly do.” She arched into him, one long gorgeous line of surrender. “This is where I say, ‘Now boarding.’”

His mouth covered hers, taking her to where they both wanted to go.


Waking in the arms of one’s soulmate had to be the most delicious way to wake up.

Liam’s arms were wrapped around her, his warm, gorgeous body fitted to her backside. She might just become a morning person. Maybe.

Her muscles were buzzing with life as her skin came alive with that crazy electricity they generated. The close contact was like the hum of a generator through her bones but with the rush of a hurricane wind. Heck, minus the violence, there had even been the report of a shotgun kind of energy between them.

They made love throughout the night, sometimes hot and urgent until she wanted to scream, and other times so soulful and slow she couldn’t imagine ever unsealing herself from him. Time had stopped, and her reality was only them. Together. The whole concept of orgasms had been redefined. She’d been on one long ride, where the journey went sometimes in a rush and then in a whisper.

She’d always been amused how people talked about the skin being the biggest organ in the body. Last night, it had shown her its full power for the first time. At one point, she’d been so sensitized, she could have sworn her epidermis was dancing its heart out. Like she’d told Liam, soulmate sex was intense. She never wanted to go back to the old kind.

“You awake,a stór?” he whispered, kissing the line of her shoulders.

“You mean, you didn’t feel my inner nuclear plant turn on when my body became aware of yours?” She turned in his arms until they were facing each other, but his eyes remained sleepily closed. “Good morning. How are you on this fine day?”

His rumble of a chuckle was as sexy as the scruff on his face, which her fingertips had to rub. “You sound more cheery than I’ve ever heard you this early,” he observed in that always insightful way of his.

“Turns out soulmate sex is transformative.” She let her fingers detour down to his hard chest. “I was thinking I might be a morning person now. I feel terrific, and even though we didn’t sleep until after four, I’m supercharged. I’m starting to think world peace might be possible if everyone has this kind of sex. What do you think?”

“I think you’re as talkative as ever.” Those green eyes finally rested on hers, making her heart soar up like a cheery yellow kite. “You’re happy. I am too. It’s even better than the way I saw it.”