“You two are going to cruise into your hundreds—like Eoghan and Sandrine and Arthur and Clara for that matter. Like I said before, love is the most powerful force on earth. But so is purpose, and you finally have what you’ve always wanted. This arts center and the museum will have sister centers in the United States, France, the United Kingdom—even Australia. My name will grace buildings in countries I never visited, and while people will not know me or my story always, they will know my name stands for art and creative expression. For that I thank you as well.”

She was dazed by the news. Sister centers? In all those places? “Oh my God! I’m in shock.”

Sorcha’s signature scent suddenly saturated the air, making Bets cough.

“There, that will help knock you back into your senses,” she said in a delighted voice. “I might also mention Donal and Ghislaine will be your friends into your hundreds. They also have a long life ahead, and they will be instrumental in leading the opening of the sister centers I mentioned. Donal has a new purpose too, Bets, one the two of you helped each other find. You may not have been soulmates, but you will remark in your later years that Donal is one of your best friends. Not that he ever dances to Bon Jovi with you like the Lucky Charms do. They will be well too, in case you’re wondering.”

She was glad to hear the news. Her vision was a little blurry, but a smile had set sail on her mouth. “Donal would look ridiculous wearing a boa and wiggling his butt.”

Sorcha’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Perhaps, but I’d still come back to watch.”

“I hope you do.” She stared at the woman, her heart brimming with feeling. “Will you? Can you?”

Her smile was a touch of the old Sorcha—absolutely mischievous. “Perhaps. The scent of oranges will always be here in Caisleán when it’s needed to lift a mood or comfort a soul. As for the other, we will see.”

“I hope so.” Bets clutched her hands together. “I wish I could hug you or something.”

“Close your eyes,” Sorcha commanded gently.

Bets squeezed her eyes shut. The wind rose up and gently wrapped around her, its warm breeze ruffling her clothes and hair. The fresh orange scent of it cleared away the last of her tears. Love overflowed in her heart like a champagne fountain.

“There. That’s the best I can do.”

She opened her eyes. Sorcha’s own were even more brilliant now, and her silver garments were shot through with so much light it should have been blinding. Only…it was captivating, the kind of light you never wanted to look away from. It reminded her of Bruce and suddenly she had to ask.

“Will I see Bruce again?”

Sorcha drew a circle on her palm. “He will come back around, like the seasons, when the time is right. He’s asked to matchmake the next generation, proposing a break from his guardian duties. But that is far off.”

Bruce would be the new Sorcha for her grandchildren and the others? “Oh, I love that. I’ll…lay roses at this tree and ask for it to happen. Our tribute worked with you, didn’t it?”

“It did indeed.” She nodded decisively. “I didn’t understand it when I walked among you before, but my last piece of advice is simple. Ask for what you want. You are loved. The powers who give wish for you to be happy. Open your arms to receive all the goodness available to you. It will come.”

She heard cheering then, up on the hill. “It already has and then some.”

“I will leave you to the party.” She looked up, her oval face in profile. “I always loved a good party. Have a glass of champagne, Bets, and party on.”

They shared a smile. “I’ll lift my glass to you with everyone and toast, ‘She was one hell of a ghost, our Sorcha.’”

Her laughter was as light as air. “Apt. I like it. Enjoy your life, Betsy O’Hanlon. You deserve it!”

She vanished, taking the gentle breeze with her. Bets drew in a deep breath and then raced back up the hill. She found Linc and her loved ones chatting together while standing in the front row of the outdoor concert area. The last preparations for the band Linc had hired looked to be coming together as the setup crew had vacated the stage.

“Hi, I’m back,” she announced as she cozied up to Linc’s side in the middle of the row, where he was conversing with Ellie and Taylor while Liam and Brady chatted about something Brady was pointing to in the distance. Oh, it was the Kindness Sheep, corralled by rope and guarded by Keegan, Carrick, and…

Was that her Bruce?

It was! With a smile on his radiant face.

Linc took her chin and turned her face side to side, his blue eyes warm with love. “Your mascara didn’t run too much…Grandma.”

She scrubbed under her eyes, smiling at hearing her new moniker. “This grandma has news…” she whispered so only he would hear. “For later. I saw Sorcha.”

His brows flew to his forehead. “I was hoping we’d see that girl. Hold tight to the news, sugar. I’ll want a full account later.”

She took Linc’s hand, tangling her fingers with his. A sudden thought struck her. Sorcha had told her she and Linc were going to be together another… She did the math. Holy moly, another forty-some years! Were they ever going to get married? Sorcha hadn’t said. Did they need to? Then she stopped getting riled up. If she and Linc wanted to get married, they would. But only if it would make them happy. Right now, she couldn’t imagine being happier, and that was all that was important.

“Earth to Bets.” Linc shook her hand. “Wait for this announcement, sugar. Everyone! I have something to tell you all.”