Thank you, Sorcha.

“The fairies, I’m sure,” he said drolly. “The camera caught him telling Mary and Orla not to worry. He said he would ‘take care of everything.’ While it was a vague enough promise, it raised concerns. Didn’t help that he tried to fine Keegan over the sheep. But what nailed his coffin was when the ombudsman discovered he hadn’t followed up on the vandalism case and had ordered others to steer clear.”

“You didn’t happen to get video of Denis conspiring with Malcolm Coveney, did you?” Linc asked.

She shook her head. “Afraid not. But now that I know what he looks like—a train wreck—I’ll keep an eye out and my phone handy.”

So would Bets. “So, being positive, we hopefully have the Garda situation handled.”

“But the vandals haven’t been caught yet,” Linc drawled, his mouth twisting. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see what this new guy can do.”

“Yeah, so all we have left is to contend with Jamie’s disciplinary issue,” Donal said, his mouth leveling into a savage frown.

“Yeah, only that,” Bets said dryly.

“My dad is chomping at the bit to come back to Caisleán and help.” Donal made a frustrated gesture in the air. “But he knows he’s needed with Sandrine and Greta. It’s been over a week now since Sophie and her daughter have seen each other.”

Bets didn’t know how Sophie was managing it, given everything. Probably staying busy like the rest of them. “That can’t continue. They shouldn’t be apart.”

“I still think we need to use the media on this issue,” Ghislaine said softly. “I know ‘immorality’ is a loaded topic, but so is calling someone a devil’s spawn and a whore and saying she’s ruined a good man. You don’t want to know what Sophie’s mother had to say about that, and trust me, she’s heard it said about herself.”

She could imagine. Bets gripped her knees, knowing there were other ugly phrases being tossed around about Jamie and Sophie and one started with aC. A deplorable word she’d raised her sons never to say. “Do you ever wonder why it’s always the woman leading the man astray? Even when the man is sixty—like you two—and he starts dating a younger woman—”

“Like the twenty-three-year-old my ex dabbled with while we were married?” Ghislaine added, putting a hand on her hip and glowering.

Donal muttered about some men being bastards and caressed her back comfortingly.

Bets swore in sympathy. “Yes, like that. Even when the man has tons of life experience and the woman is fairly new to being an adult, she’s still the one they say is leading a man astray.”

“Donal, you know what I hate?” Linc lifted his chin. “How people think that just because we have a johnson—excuse me, ladies—that we’re stupid enough to be led around by it all the damn time. Like we have no reason or self-control.”

“It’s horrible being a stereotype for sure,” Donal replied, glancing at Ghislaine. “But apparently I like being a ruined man. Who knew?”

Ghislaine gave an indelicate snort before touching his chest. “If you’re ruined, then the Easter Bunny is real. Now, who’s going to talk to Jamie? The news cycle is fast. We need to move.”

“I’ve known him the longest,” Bets said. “I’ll try to talk him around.”

“I saw him helping Carrick put in some fenceposts on the west side of his pasture by the giant hawthorn tree,” Donal said helpfully.

“Don’t all the roads here have names?” Ghislaine asked.

Donal chuckled and kissed her cheek. “No. Takes the fun out of describing them. The Irish like things being hidden sometimes.”

“I have a lot to learn,” Ghislaine said, smiling at Donal. “Glad I have a great teacher. All right, we’ll be going. I have to talk to a couple of TV shows about Sophie and Keegan doing remote interviews since neither of them are open to traveling at the moment. I had a great excuse with Keegan. He needs to take care of his cows and sheep.”

“I would look after his sheep if it came to it,” Donal said, making a show of his arm muscles. “I could still heft one if needed.”

“Heft one?” Ghislaine asked in shock.“A whole sheep?”

“I hefted you last night, didn’t I?” he said with a grin.

She leveled him with what could only be deemed a seductive glance. “And I let you… Shall we go, my love?”

Donal took her hand and gave them a last look before the couple turned for the door. Bets was smiling as she watched them walk out together. “Another victory. Donal found his soulmate.”

Linc stroked her arm. “We have more victories than defeats. But I won’t lie. It’s been a rough campaign, and we’re not through yet.”

She kissed him softly. “No, we aren’t. Wish me luck with Jamie. Any pointers?”