Taking her arm, he found she was already shivering, likely from the cold as much as the encounter. “I don’t know. One moment I was sleeping, and the next—”My ghostly sister-in-law was beside the bed.“Go back inside and let me check.”
She stopped short and gasped sharply. “No need. Look.”
The front porch light she’d turned on illuminated the crime.
Go Home Slut
The words were sprayed in a hateful scrawl of red on his front door. His front door!
“My God!” Jamie exclaimed, putting his arm around her. “Sophie— I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” She was shaking against him in nothing but a robe, he realized. “Okay, now I’m a little scared.”
“We need to call the Garda.” He stared at the offending graffiti as he tore open the door. “And Linc and Bets.”
She stood in the center of the parlor. “I should probably get dressed. Jamie…”
He stopped reaching for his phone and crossed to her. “What,mo chroí?”
“If Greta had been here.” Tears filled her eyes. “I’m starting to lose it a little bit.”
Wrapping her in his arms, he held her tightly. “You go ahead and lose it, as you say. I might need a moment myself.”
He looked up as Sorcha materialized in the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Her face was as somber as the day they’d buried her mother, he noted. Then she shook her head and vanished.
His heart was pounding in his ears. Had they planned to do more than write those hateful words on his front door? His car had been parked in the driveway, so there had been no mistaking his presence.
Who in the hell were those kids? He hadn’t recognized them. It was dark, but his instincts told him they weren’t from around Caisleán. He knew people’s cars. The purchase of a new vehicle by anyone in town was big news and usually the kind to warrant a congratulatory pint at the pub.
“All right.” She gave an audible sniff and wiped her nose as she eased back. “Go and make your calls. I’m going to call Sandrine…just to make sure Greta is okay. I know it’s silly but—”
“It’s not silly.” He took her hands to his lips and kissed them. “We’ll make this right.”
He didn’t know how right now, but he made the vow all the same. They would stop this. They had to. He’d never forget the look on her face when she first saw those words.
The call he made to the Garda was brief. He knew the man on the night watch and was glad to hear the officer they were sending was someone he respected. Not everyone at the station was of the same ilk.
When Bets answered after three rings, he was sorry to hear the fear in her voice. “Jamie? What’s wrong?”
“We had some kids vandalize my house tonight. I just called the Garda.”
“No, I’m at my cottage.” Best be direct about it as everyone would soon know the way of it. “With Sophie. Greta is having a night with Sandrine and Eoghan.”
He heard Linc in the background. “We’re on our way.”
“Will you call my brother? He’ll want to be here.”
“Sure thing.”
When they hung up, he went to find Sophie. She was standing in front of her open wardrobe. “I can’t seem to pick anything.”
Shock. “How about this?” he said, grabbing out a sweater. “It’s warm and the color will look good on you.”
“You should probably put on a shirt.” She gave a rough laugh. “Not that it’s not a good look. Jamie, everyone is going to know we were together.”
“Good.” He cupped her cheek. “Why wouldn’t I be with the woman I love?”