This sounded good. “What did he do?”
Rubbing his hands together as if preparing for a good story, Liam waggled his brows. “Well, last night, he covered the rug in front of his door with glue traps for mice. When Brady and Declan got stuck, they howled so much with laughter, they fell on their bums.”
“You’re kidding!” She couldn’t imagine quiet Jamie coming up with a prank like that.
“It gets better,” he said, his green eyes bright. “The night before last, he rigged up a glass of water over his door. I got good and thoroughly drenched.”
She couldn’t help but laugh. “Sounds fun actually.”
“It is. We’re reliving our childhoods but good, the four of us. Honestly, I was sad to see Jamie go home today, mostly because I wanted to discover what he’d come up with next. It’s like he’s channelingHome Alone.”
“I love that movie,” she said, her heart lifting as the sun came out. “When I was a kid, it was my greatest wish to be left alone, but my parents were always dragging me off to some art show.”
He grew quiet, reminding her a little of Jamie. “So you were like Kevin in wishing your family would disappear?”
She bit her lip. “Would you think badly of me if I said yes?”
“Not at all.” He held up his hands. “I don’t judge. Well, I’ll just help you move your stuff back to your car. Then I’ll follow you.”
“You don’t have to do that, Liam.”
“I do and I will. I’ll just be a minute. Enjoy the sun while she’s out.”
He headed inside, and she closed her eyes. Before she’d taken the sun for granted. Never again, she promised herself.
He was true enough to his word, stowing her luggage, following her over, and then hauling it back into Jamie’s cottage. She decided she might need to delay the delivery of her shipment another week to be safe.
As he picked up his bike helmet, he tilted his head to the side. “You’ve been in touch with an old friend from America. Someone who writes. In New York?”
A shiver went through her. “Yes, a reporter. Did Jamie tell you?”
“He’s not one for sharing anyone’s business, if you understand me.”
“Then he didn’t mention being interviewed himself?”
“Interviewed?” Liam shook his head ruefully. “Not a thing, but that’s no shock. We usually have to pull things out of him.”
That fit with her Jamie, but it led to another question. “Then how did youknow?”
He lifted a shoulder. “We Irish know things sometimes.” He paused, studying her. “Was she in Paris before?”
More shock rolled through her. “Yes. Whoa! Hold the phone. She just left. Said it didn’t feel like where she wanted to be anymore. Of course, being back in Manhattan hasn’t cured the itch. She’s still trying to figure out what’s next. I mean, she can write from anywhere. Besides, she travels a lot for work because she writes for the arts and cultural section.”
His face broke out into a brilliant smile. “Of course! Now I have the— Never mind. I’m about to creep you out a little more, but I must know. Is her name Taylor?”
She had to close her gaping mouth. “Okay, you’rereallypsychic. Yeah, it’s Taylor. How do youknowall of this?”
“I heard it while I was meditating.” He looked off and put his finger to his mouth, a portrait in silhouette, before turning back to her. “If you happen to speak with her again soon, tell her not to worry. It’s all going to become clear. I’ll be off now.”
“Wait! I have questions.” Hundreds of them. Maybe thousands.
He slipped on his helmet and gave her a thumbs-up—a thumbs-up—before throwing his leg over the bike and turning on the engine. With another wave, he was off, the Triumph thundering down the road.
She stood there, the sun washing over her face. She couldn’t imagine having a gift like that. Would she even want to? She dug out her phone. She had to text Taylor.
Don’t think this too weird, but a gorgeous Irishman who’s obviously crazy psychic just told me to tell you that everything will soon become clear.
Her phone beeped with a reply.