“You’re doing just fine.” The whiskeys finally reached them with Brady having them passed through the crowd. “So am I, in fact, seeing as I’m spending my every day with my soulmate.Sláinte!”

“Sláinte.” He picked up his whiskey and knocked it back, going with the opening Donal had given him. “I heard wedding bells might be in the offing.”

His friend gestured heavenward. “She’s a downright miracle, my Ghislaine. And I have Sorcha to thank for it.”

Linc smiled. He’d heard about the ghost appearing to the publicist. “And here I thought it was Brigitte’s mother who put in a good word for us.” Although he still planned to thank her when she finally visited Caisleán. They were waiting for things to die down. God love her, but Brigitte didn’t know how not to cause a sensation, although Sophie said their relationship had never been stronger.

Donal gave a gusty laugh. “Sorcha’s involvement makes for a better story, and I plan to share it with my daughters when they meet Ghislaine next week. I’ve never been happier, and I say that with thanks for everything that’s happened in my life, if you understand my meaning.”

They shared a look. He damn well knew what Donal meant. “I feel the same. All our steps led up to where we stand now. Let’s toast to our soulmates and to Sorcha for her help. That ghost sure does get around.”

He wished he could clone her and put her on a track other than matchmaking. Think of all they could accomplish.

The whiskey helped, as did talk with friends, but then again, the Irish knew their business in those realms. Eoghan suggested he and Sandrine might have a double wedding with Donal and Ghislaine, and Linc bandied back that they might consider having one of Keegan’s sheep officiate, which had the older man braying with laughter.

By the time he reached Sophie and Jamie, he was in better spirits. Those two had been taken to the woodshed but were coming out of it stronger. He spied the simple engagement ring on Sophie’s finger and smiled at Greta, who was sitting on Jamie’s lap. She straightened as soon as she saw him and leapt off to give him a hug. It made his heart happy to be greeted so, and he swung her up into his arms.

“I’d hoped I would see you tonight, Greta,” he said, setting her on his hip. “Welcome back from Provence. Why didn’t you bring the sun with you?”

Her brow wrinkled. “It’s still in the sky even if you can’t see it, but itisreally cold here, isn’t it?”

He made a shiver for show, which had her smiling brightly. “I hear you’re the person to talk to about a wedding present for your mom and Jamie.”

“You don’t need to get us anything,” Sophie protested, looking about as happy as he’d ever seen her.

“A good friend is enough of a gift,” Jamie said, proving what a stand-up guy he was.

He waved his hand at them. “Y’all are funny. Excuse us a minute. I need to confer with this little one.”

When he reached a fairly open corner of the packed bar, he whispered, “How do you feel about some sheep joining your family? I thought I’d buy one for each of you and put your names on them. Carrick has agreed to keep them in his pasture, and you can visit them anytime. What do you think, Greta?”

She clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, that would be wonderful. But we need a friend for January too.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Who?”

“My pet sheep.” She had a pretty grave expression for a little tyke. “She needs a boy sheep for a friend so they can be a couple too.”

He laughed. Little minds. “What about you, Greta? Don’t you need a boy?”

That had her giggling. “No! I’m not old enough yet.”

“Good thinking. Stay young. In fact, never grow up.”

He deposited her back with her mother, her innocence lingering with him.Never grow up, he thought. Yeah, hewasgetting old. Still, he made his way over to his baby girl and put his arm around Ellie since Bets was off in the corner with her Lucky Charms, likely conspiring about the music. He didn’t have to wait long. Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer” came on and silenced the bar.

Sophie jumped up immediately. “I love this part! Greta, come dance with Mama.”

He nudged Donal in the ribs as Bets snagged Ghislaine by the arm and led her to the front of the bar. “Looks like your woman is being invited to dance with the Lucky Charms. Isn’t that wonderful?”

He sat down and kicked back in his chair as Linc did the same. “It’s grand, it is, and Ghislaine is going to make a show of it.”

That woman had panache, that was for sure. “How are you two going to fix the living situation with her career?”

“She’s thinking about assigning a deputy in the Paris office. Like she has in New York. Cutting down on her duties.”

“So retiring,” Linc summated.

“Yes, but she detests the word so don’t use it,” Donal said as they watched a very G-rated version of the dance begin.