“You don’t sound very happy about it. Should we keep looking?”
“No,” I said, stepping down. I didn’t need to look at it in the mirror any longer. “This one will do.”
Her face blanched as she stared at me. “I know it’s none of my business, but this is your wedding day. Don’t you want something that you love?”
“I would if I was marrying for love,” I admitted.
Her lips pursed in understanding and she gave a swift nod. “Well, let’s get this off and I’ll have it cleaned.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you going to need any accessories?”
“Shoes, a veil…I need something for this,” I said, holding my wrists out for her to see. She already saw my back. There wasn’t much point in hiding the rest of my scars at this point.
She stared at the scars and then nodded, looking away quickly. “I’ll see what I can find.”
I quickly undressed and practically threw the dress aside. I didn’t need to stay in it a minute longer than necessary. All my hopes and dreams of my wedding day had long since been dashed. I stared at myself in the mirror. The girl I once was no longer existed. When I was little, my mom and I used to play dress up. I’d wear a pretty dress and pretend I was the bride getting married. She used to say I’d make a beautiful bride. Thank God she wouldn’t see me on my wedding day. The disappointment would kill her.
All those wedding magazines we went through, picking out the perfect dress, seemed like a farfetched daydream. No Prince Charming was coming to save me from my tower. I wasn’t marrying for love or even affection. I was simply being given away to a man for my father’s purposes. And with his looming threats hanging over my head, I had little choice but to do as he said.
After picking out everything else I needed, I headed out of the store. Meeting the wedding planner was next on my list of things to do, but as I headed out of the store, I got the distinct feeling that someone was following me. I spun around and scanned the area, but saw nothing. With my father being one of the richest men in the world, I always had guards following me. Not just because of the fact that I needed to be protected, but because my father didn’t trust me.
Yet, as I looked around, I didn’t see anyone that looked suspicious. I also didn’t see my guards. I swallowed hard as fear prickled down my spine. They were always visible to me, always making sure I knew where they were, but the streets were empty and everything was quiet.
I started walking down the street to the town car, but it was nowhere in sight. I spun around and scanned the street in both directions. No one was there. No one was there! Fuck. I hurried back to the store, fumbling for my phone, cursing when it clattered to the ground. I bent down to pick it up, screaming when a gunshot ripped through the air. Glass shattered behind me and I screamed, falling to the ground, covering my ears. Tires screeched, quickly getting quieter as the car got further away.
Terror raced through me, but I knew I couldn’t stay here. I had to get away while I still could. I was a sitting duck here. Despite the shaking in my body, I shoved myself to my knees and then to my feet. I raced to the shop door and jerked on the door, but it wouldn’t open. It was locked.
I spun around, pressing myself against it as I tried to calm the growing panic. I just needed someplace to hide until I could get help. I knew there was a tea room not far from here. They knew me, and if I could just make it there, they’d hide me until I could get ahold of my father. With my heart thundering in my chest, I glanced at the phone still on the ground in the opposite direction. I considered trying for it, but I knew I wouldn’t have much time to make it to the tea room. I couldn’t risk it.
I took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that I was Jade Buchanan. I would not be intimidated by whoever was out there. I could do this. I just had to take the first step. I ran with everything I had down the sidewalk. I could see the tea room up ahead. In just a few more steps, I would be there.
But just as quickly as hope brimmed inside me, it was snatched away. I heard a tick and then the world exploded around me. I was flung sideways, crashing through a window. Glass bit at my skin and rained down upon me as heat scorched my skin. My head thumped painfully against something in the display and my vision swam in front of me.
I tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness made me nearly black out. My body thumped painfully to the ledge I was lying on. I knew I needed to get help, but as the darkness took over and the sirens wailed in the distance, I briefly thought that maybe this was my way out.
“You’re going to do what?” Patrick snapped at me as I closed the door to my office.
Chase stared at me in amusement. That stupid fucker found this whole thing comical. “Do you have something to say?” I snapped.
“Nothing at all,” he grinned. “I’ve seen the pictures,” he continued. “She’s hot.”
“I thought you didn’t have anything to say,” I muttered.
“Well, nothing useful,” he continued grinning at me.
“It doesn’t matter if she’s hot,” Patrick argued. “You’re really going to marry this woman?”
“I don’t really have a choice,” I bit out, tearing the tie from my neck. Fuck, I hated wearing suits.
“You could say no,” he argued.
I glanced up at him with a wry expression. “That wasn’t exactly an option. He made it pretty fucking clear that it was this or I would be dead. And on top of that, her safety is tied to my life. If anything happens to her, I’m as good as fucked.”