My whole body tensed and my breathing escalated with every moment that passed. I could see the way this guard stared at me curiously, watching and waiting for the moment I would freak out. I tried to calm myself down. I took in a staggering breath, but stumbled backward as memories assaulted me. I gasped as my breath caught in my chest.

“No!” I screamed as the guard turned me over and yanked my pants down. I twisted, trying to get out of his grasp, but my hands were cuffed to a pipe. No matter how much I moved, I couldn’t get away from him. I started yanking desperately at the pipe, hoping I could break it in half, or break one of the links on the cuffs.

They bit into my skin every time I pulled on them. Small cuts turned into one massive ring of blood as the metal bit into my skin. The guard was still pulling at me, trying to maneuver my body into position for him. I swung back with my heel, hitting him right in the nose. Blood gushed and he roared in rage. My heart pounded out of control as he slowly stood, towering over me.

My eyes widened in horror as he undid his belt buckle and bent it in half. I scrambled to get away from him, but another guard entered the cell and grabbed my feet. I screamed desperately for help. My father wouldn’t want this!

The first crack of the belt sent searing pain across my back. I screamed and cried as I choked on my own tears. The second had my back tensing until I was stiff as a board. I knew more were coming and I couldn’t get away no matter how hard I tried. On the third strike, I felt my skin tear. Liquid oozed over my back as a scream caught in my throat. Snot dripped down my face from how hard I was crying.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” he chuckled. The belt whipped through the air—

Two hands wrapped around my arms, and I screamed, trying desperately to shove the hands away from me. Everything swirled around me as I fought with everything I had to keep whoever it was from taking me inside. The moment I tore his hands from my body, I ran with everything I had, not bothering to look behind me. Tears spilled down my cheeks unchecked as I dashed away from the building and into the street.

A horn blared and I spun around, sucking in a breath as a truck barreled down upon me. A body crashed into mine, tackling me to the ground and rolling away from the truck. I heard the sound of tires screeching before everything stopped spinning and I stared up at the sky. I was breathing too fast. Everything spun around me, but right before I passed out, I could have sworn I saw Asher staring down at me with concern on his face.



“Jade!” I yelled, slapping her face as her eyes rolled back in her head. “Jade!”

Her eyelids slipped closed and her body slumped to the ground. Taking a quick look over her, I noted there were no other apparent injuries than the ones she’d already suffered.

I didn’t understand what set her off or why she ran. I saw Chase trying to get ahold of her and assumed she’d stop struggling once he let her go. I wasn’t prepared for her to lose her shit and run into the street. Terror gripped me as she ran right in front of that truck. If I hadn’t been chasing her, she would have been hit and killed.

It wasn’t the idea of my life ending that had me so terrified. It was the look of terror on her face that had my heart beating a million times a minute. Whatever it was that set her off, I would make sure it never happened again. I scooped up her limp body and cradled her to my chest as I carried her back to the safety of the parking area. Cars started to move again, and thankfully, no one got out to question if she was okay.

I rushed to the door where Chase was waiting. Patrick was right behind me as I took the stairs two at a time and then rushed into the living room. Chase was already adjusting the pillows on the couch for me to lay her down.

“I got the water!” Patrick called out.

I set her down and then tore the suit jacket from my body. “Jade!” I shook her, trying to wake her up. No matter what I tried, she wouldn’t wake up. I leaned back on my heels and ran my fingers through my hair.

“What the fuck happened?” I growled.

“She just freaked out,” Chase said.

“She didn’t say anything?”

“Not a fucking word.”

I stood and walked away from her. The need to kill Ambrose was greater than ever. Whatever happened to her, I was sure it was his fault. She was terrified of him, and I was glad that I’d had the foresight to bring her back with me instead of sending her home to that monster.

“I’ll get the bedroom ready,” I said as I stalked away. If I stayed by her, I would lose my shit. She was my responsibility now, whether I liked it or not. Those large green eyes were wary of me, but at the same time pleaded with me to save her. “How the fuck am I supposed to do my job with her around?” I asked as Chase followed me into my bedroom.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise.” You’re the one that invited her here.”

“I know that,” I said as I whirled on him. “What the fuck was I supposed to do? Send her home to that monster?”

“Ash…you can’t save everyone.”

“She’s going to be my wife,” I bit out. “I’m not saving everyone. I’m saving the one person my life is tied to.”

He nodded in understanding. “Patrick’s got this. You know he could charm the pants off any woman.”

That thought only made me more angry. “He doesn’t need to charm her,” I spat. “He needs to do his fucking job!”

Chase stood there calmly while I fumed. I grabbed the sheets and tore them off the bed. When I grabbed the new ones, he helped me get them in place while I tried to reign in my anger. When I was all finished, I only felt marginally better.