Lying wasn’t an option, though.
“It was a long time ago.”
“I’m not like her.”
“And I’m very glad about that.” He paused for a moment, but she didn’t speak. “Does it upset you that I have a history with Jerry?”
“Not really. As you said, it’s in the past. I guess… I guess I just worry that I’m not good enough. She’s obviously successful at whatever she does, so confident too, and I’m only a mediocre PA.”
Was that really how Indi saw herself?
“You couldn’t be mediocre if you tried. And much as I’d love to keep you as my PA, your place is in a hospital. As soon as we get the situation with your father resolved, anyway.”
“You’d let me go back to medicine?”
Let her? For crying out loud. Indali must have grown up in a spectacularly unhealthy environment.
“I prefer the term ‘support you.’ And yes, of course I will.”
Several doctors were members of Nyx. He’d speak with them, see if they knew of any vacancies at LA hospitals. He had no doubt Indi would impress an interview panel, but it wouldn’t hurt to get her foot in the door.
“I’m glad you spilled my coffee that day.”
“So am I.”
She lapsed into silence, and her breathing grew slow and rhythmical. Good. They both needed to rest before they reached Europe. When they landed, it would be nearly midnight, LA time, and early morning in Portugal.
But she wasn’t asleep.
“That thing Priest said about the mile-high club… Are you a member?”
You’d think he was, but no. By the time he could afford to fly, he was married to Carissa, and she’d refused to squash into a tiny lavatory with him. And in later years, when he could afford to charter a jet, she’d refused to sleep with him at all. Not even a hate fuck.
“No, I’m not.”
“Do you want to be?”
“With you? Hell yes.”
“I can’t stop thinking about what we did on Wednesday. I always dreaded my first time because I thought it would be awkward, and painful, and embarrassing, but…but it blew my mind.”
Brax swept her hair to one side, giving himself access to the delicate skin of her neck. As an erogenous zone, the neck was vastly underrated, the earlobes too. Indi let out a pleasing moan as he feathered kisses along her jaw.
He hated buts. Butts were great, buts not so good.
“But what?”
“I feel…guilty? Meera’s missing, and I’m here with you.”
“And you feel bad about enjoying yourself?”