“You’ll have to be more specific.”
Why bother to deny it? “Meera. Her name is Meera.”
“I knew from the start she was different.” Brax wasn’t a violent man, not with women anyway, but he still longed to slap the smugness out of Carissa’s voice. “You never looked at me the way you look at her.”
There was a good reason for that. “No, I didn’t.”
“Put me out of my misery—where did you hook up with her? We never did catch you in the act. Go on, you can tell me now the settlement’s agreed.”
“I didn’t hook up with her anywhere. She won’t sleep with me while I’m still married.”
Carissa’s cackle set Brax’s teeth on edge. “How delightfully old-fashioned. Ah, well. Her loss is my gain. I’ll fly out tomorrow.”
“It’s the least you can do.”
“I’ll need a car to meet me at the airport.”
“Arrange your own damn car.”
For one last time, Brax allowed himself the satisfaction of throwing the phone at the wall. Forty-eight hours, and this would all be over.
Or so he thought.
“Late? What do you mean, you’re going to be late?”
“There’s a problem with the plane,” Carissa whined.
“What kind of a problem?”
“How should I know? A technical problem. They need to fix it before we can fly.”
A pity. If Carissa fell out of the sky, it sure would make life easier. Brax gave a sigh. No, he couldn’t expect several hundred other people to sacrifice themselves at the altar of his poor judgment.
“So take a different plane.”
“You think I haven’t tried that? There’s an issue with the booking system.”
“A different airline?”
“The glitch is universal. The whole damn airport is in chaos.”
“Go to a different airport, take a private flight; I don’t care. Just make sure you get here before the hearing.”
“How do I book a private flight? Sophie’s on vacation.”
Brax had reached the end of his tether with this woman. Every day, every hour, every minute, she became more unbearable.
“Work it out for yourself.”
He was debating the wisdom of one more glass of whisky when his desk phone rang. Now what?
“I thought I said to hold all calls?” Shit. He shouldn’t take his bad mood out on Meera. “I mean, please hold all my calls today.”
“Sorry, Brax, it’s Lyndsey from the front desk. Meera’s father is on line one.”
“Why are you telling me this? Put him through to Meera.”