Page 37 of Hard Limits

“We can do that. Add it to my schedule.”

“Thank you. And I’m sorry your wife’s so horrible.”

“You and me both, Meera. You and me both.”



Brax considered the Zoom suggestion, but with Meera sitting next door, the idea was ridiculous. Instead, he emailed Alexa to ask about a discreet security camera, then gritted his teeth as a hairy fellow named Bug climbed up a ladder in his office to install it. Bug’s was the first ass crack that Brax had seen up close in months.

Meera scheduled a meeting for eleven the next morning, but at two minutes past, there was still no sign of her. Had she quit without notice? Brax couldn’t have blamed her—she hadn’t signed up to get tangled in the middle of somebody else’s marital problems. Her desk was empty, and he was just wondering if he should risk Carissa’s wrath and drive to Meera’s apartment when he realised she was in the kitchenette. He leaned on the doorjamb and watched her for a moment before she realised he was there.

“Sorry, sorry, I know I’m late. Your coffee was too hot, so I added some chilled water, and now it’s too cold.”

“Shall I let you in on a secret?”

“Another one?” She sounded wary.

“I don’t give a fuck how hot my coffee is. It’s just easier when my assistants think I’m an asshole.”


“You know why I hired you?”

“I’ll admit I’m still baffled by that.”

“Because you yelled at me.”

“You were definitely an asshole that day.”

“Not that I have any excuse, but I’d just gotten off the phone with Carissa that morning. She has a way of stretching my nerves to the snapping point.”

“I guess I could have paid more attention to where I was walking.”

“Let’s draw a line under that day, shall we? We can start afresh, but there need to be rules in place to protect both of us.”


“The camera in my office will be recording twenty-four-seven. If you want to speak with me elsewhere, you’ll do so with a third party present. And if you need to visit my apartment again for any reason, make sure I’m not in it at the time.”

“I understand.”

Brax held the door open while Meera carried coffee for both of them into his office. She’d been to the deli too—there was a bag on her desk—and he waited while she slid two Danishes onto plates and brought those in as well. These meetings promised to be torture. But at the same time, he was glad she knew the truth now, that she understood. Being a jackass wasn’t his default operating mode, or at least he liked to think it wasn’t, and he’d hated having to be a jerk to her.

They both took a seat, and she’d worn a slightly tighter shirt today. With her excellent posture, her breasts pushed against the fabric, and his cock began to ache. Thank fuck his desk was made from wood and not glass. Think of Carissa, Brax. Better. His cock deflated instantly. If worst came to worst, he could ship Meera off to the admin department and hire a more appropriate assistant. A ball-breaker with poor hygiene habits and a love of kaftans.

“Was the format of the wheat report okay?” Meera asked.

“It was perfect.”

“Are there any areas you need to be expanded?”


“So I should do something similar for the emerald report?”

“Yes.” Brax swallowed. “Yes, please.”