“That’s the way it has to be at the moment.”
“At the moment?”
Silence. Was I dismissed? Should I leave? Mr. Vale hadn’t told me to, but he seemed to be staring right through me. I was on the verge of getting up and scuttling out the door when he let out the longest sigh.
“Your presence does make me uncomfortable, but not for the reasons you think. There are some ongoing issues with my wife.”
“She doesn’t like me being around?”
Was it because I’d spent the night in the apartment upstairs? No, he’d been weird before that, but sleeping in the guest room couldn’t have helped matters.
“Quite the opposite, in fact. This doesn’t go any farther than this room, is that clear?”
I wouldn’t even tell Meera if the secret was that big.
“My wife and I are in the process of getting a divorce.”
Oh, wow. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m not. The issue is that we signed a rather restrictive prenuptial agreement, one that later came back to bite me. If one of us is unfaithful prior to the divorce being finalised, the other automatically receives the bulk of our joint assets. Although Carissa isn’t involved in the day-to-day running of the business, on paper, Dunnvale Holdings belongs to both of us. So…” Mr. Vale gave a shrug. “We’ve spent the past three years trying to goad each other into making a mistake, and for me, it’s easier if temptation remains out of reach.”
His words sank in, and boy, that was some warped game they were playing. After I’d slept upstairs, he’d warned me that his wife might ask questions. At the time, I’d assumed she’d want assurance that nothing had happened, but now I understood the opposite was true. And what was that last part? Slowly, it dawned on me, and I swallowed hard.
“Are you saying that I’m…temptation?”
“I am.”
His dark gaze locked onto mine, and I realised I’d been wrong. Totally wrong. This man was far, far more concerning than Lance Clifton. When Lance dropped his pants in front of me, I’d been afraid I wouldn’t get out of the room fast enough. With Mr. Vale, I was afraid I might not want to leave at all. His eyes smouldered. He was the lion; I was the gazelle. But he was also an arrogant asshole. How dare he assume that I’d want to sleep with him just because he had no willpower? I mean, so what if he was handsome and magnetic and experienced and— Keep it together, Indi.
“Do you realise that consensual sex takes two people to participate? I’m assuming you like things consensual?”
The flash of horror that crossed his features told me I was safe in that respect, at least. Plus his previous actions spoke for themselves—he’d rescued me from a man who wouldn’t take no for an answer. And also told that man that I was his. That only he could touch me.
Holy hotness. I mean, he was absolutely a jerk.
“I would never force myself on a woman.”
“Good. Well, no matter how tempting I might be, I’m going to say no. So rest assured, we can have a five-minute meeting over coffee each morning without me ending up spreadeagled across your desk. Does that work for you?”
“Carissa got to assistant number seven. I don’t know how much my scheming wife offered her, but she said we’d slept together and nearly cost me everything. Avoidance is definitely the best policy.”
My turn to look horrified.
“She lied?”
“It’s amazing what people will do for money.”
“How did you prove her wrong?”
“Luckily, at the time in question, I was discussing an investment in a Japanese copper refinery, and my attorney was on the call. I provided phone records, and he gave a statement under oath.”
“That’s…that’s so dirty.”
“Welcome to my world. I’m also aware that someone in the building is feeding information back to Carissa, but I don’t know who. Now do you see why I avoid being alone with women who aren’t my wife?”
“Yes.” And even though I’d never met Carissa Dunn, I already knew I’d hate her. “But I’m still finding it difficult to work without speaking to you, and I want to do the job to the best of my abilities. Could we meet if we record the sessions? Or even talk over Zoom?”