Page 7 of Daulton

“It’s time for you and me to come to some sort of understanding about your future and mine. I know you want me to retire. I want to see two things happen before I consider doing so.” Okay, this conversation just got a lot more interesting.

“First, I want you settled with a woman. Not one of your models. A real woman from a good family. Someone who will know her place, stay home, and breed our future generation of Daulton men.” I hope I have all daughters just to spite him. I’d also like a woman with a career. Not to spite him, but because I’m more attracted to career-minded women.

“Fantastic, I’ll head home and create a 1950s woman on my computer tonight. Is that all?” I start to stand.

“Sit back down. I’m not done.” I do as he asks. “I also want you to find a way to secure the store TikTok Trendy. I want it, but you can’t overpay for it. There will be no windfalls for that family. You need to find a way to steal it from her. Put the screws to her. Show me what you’ve got.”

I shake my head. “Why do you care about that small company? I know it’s growing, and shows a lot of promise, but you could easily replicate what she does. Help me understand why you’re so focused on this particular company.”

“I have my reasons, and they don’t concern you. Just get it done.”

“The owner’s a young mother, Dad. She’s probably a newlywed. Why in the world would you be hellbent on taking advantage of someone like that? That’s low, even for you.”

“The owner is not a newlywed, and she doesn’t have any kids. As usual, you’re clueless.”

That’s not the impression I got when I was there a few months ago. While my father won’t win any humanitarian awards, he pays good money to have correct information at all times. It’s probably his only redeeming business quality.

He continues, “Regardless, I want it, and it’ll go a long way with me if you can make it happen.”

I stand. I need to think this through. “I’ll see what I can do, Dad.”

“Good. Once I see you headed down the right path, I’ll retire and you’ll get what you want.”

This is the first time he’s ever laid out specific conditions for his retirement. This tells me that he’s ready, but he just wants me to do his bidding one last time.

I need to expedite this. Not only do I want to change this company for the better, I want to be in a position to help my mother get free of him. Right now, he controls my purse strings and hers, running the family trust, but once I take over the company, that all will change, and I can take care of her.

I sit in my office all afternoon carefully replaying our conversation. He said no windfalls forthat family, nother. His beef must be with someone in the family, not necessarily Reagan Lawrence. And I’m extremely confused about the baby situation. She was definitely pregnant when I met her four months ago. I don’t know if she’s married to the guy I saw, but she was definitely pregnant. There’s no way I’m remembering that incorrectly.

I start typing on my computer and scroll through her multiple social media accounts. She’s truly a stunning woman. Even more beautiful than I remember.

I have to admit, there are no pictures suggesting she’s married or has any children. It looks like a lot of family photos, but nothing suggesting a husband or baby.

She said her father died a few years ago. I see an annual tribute post to him. I smile. They look exactly alike, and it seems like they were extremely close.

I see what must be her sisters. They’re gorgeous too, but in a different way. There’s another woman that must be her mother, but she looks like she could be an older sister.

I get to a wedding photo. Her mother must have remarried. The groom looks a lot like Jackson Knight. I look closer. That is Jackson Knight. Hmm. So Jackson’s her stepfather. That’s interesting.

I look closer at the photo. The three men standing next to him must be his sons. One of them is the guy I saw come into her store. That’s definitely Jackson’s son. They look exactly alike. I wonder if my father has a beef with Jackson. It certainly seems possible. It’s a more plausible explanation than him having a direct conflict with a small business owner in her twenties.

I’m completely confused by the whole situation. After some internal back and forth, I ultimately conclude that I simply need to go talk to Reagan Lawrence. I’ll come clean with who I am and hope that we can work toward resolving this. If my father dislikes the family, I automatically like them.



“Jasmine, can you please grab the boxes on the desk in my office?”

“Sure thing, boss.”

“Ugh. Please don’t call me that.”

“Reagan, you are in fact my boss.”

“I know, but I prefer co-worker and friend. We’ve been friends for fifteen years. You can’t call me boss.”

“Sure thing, co-worker.”