Page 6 of New Angels

“I mean… they’re brainwashed tae kill, so I’m no’ sure that’s much better?”

“It’s a fantastic initiative, folks! So if you’re a business owner, I’d really recommend you join — because if you haven’t, well, why the hell not? I hope you don’tsupportthe Bastard Prince…? Because that’s what your customers will be thinking. For more information on how to get involved, check out our website—”

“Am I getting this right?” I ask bluntly. “People are now paying to be brainwashed?”

“Antiro’s selling propaganda at a premium and the establishments in this country are falling over themselves to lap it up because they think it’ll make them look good.” Rory’s voice sounds hollow. “I’m so fed up with not feeling shocked anymore.”

“Antiro needin’ the dolla-dolla so badly, they’ve managed tae whiz up a protection racket oot o’ thin air.”

“What are you talking about? It’s a super-cool VIP club, guys,” Luke drawls mockingly, picking at a hangnail as he does a perfect impression of the chirpy enthusiasm of the presenters. “Whywouldn’tyou just join? Let us control you from the inside. You wouldn’t have a problem with that… would you? You’re not one of those ugly, nasty royalist trolls, are you?”

“I know it’s not common these days,” I say slowly, rubbing my temples, “but maybe integrity and decency could be put before being cool and trendy. Just once? Just once I’d like to see that happen. For someone to have the backbone to stand up and say no.”

“But do that and you get vilified,” Danny murmurs. “Do that and you get called a headcase, like Jonie.”

It makes me wonder if they’d make the same claims against men who are against Antiro, or if mental instability is a special clause exclusive to women.

“She’s doing everythingright. Principlesshouldbe more important than other people’s opinions about you.” Rory’s silver eyes glint at me in interest, and, encouraged, I continue, “Why are people — grown adults — acting so afraid? Why is everyone so susceptible to manipulation?”

“Thankfully, I’m happy to report somegoodnews this week,” the male presenter persists. “You’ll like this one. You’ll remember last week when we got in touch with anextremelyprominent production company, known for the song ‘I Just Can’t Wait to be King’. Well,obviouslyroyalty isn’t a quality people should aspire to in this day and age — we at Antiro believe all men are equal and that this song, deliberately catchy to ensnare innocent young minds, is nothing more than archaic dogma. It propagates socioeconomic divisions prevalent within society and reinforces the imperialist notion that a hierarchical structure is an appropriate governance model.”

The many frowns around the room deepen in concentration as we try to unpick this jumble of political jargon.

“Aimed at children as well.”

“I know. It’s disturbing, isn’t it? Promoting a backwards way of life to impressionable, undeveloped minds.”

“They wish they’d thought o’ it first,” Finlay remarks dryly.

“But after our complaint, we’ve received a response, and I’mdelightedto read it out to our listeners tonight.” With a self-important flourish, the presenter clears his throat. “‘I hope this email finds you well. This is to let you know that following your message, dated… blah blah… we have decided toremovethe aforementioned song from all future stage productions of our show. We had not fully appreciated the lyrical narrative of ‘I Just Can’t Wait to be King’ within the current political context and now believe it no longer aligns with the ethos of our company.”

“Whit in the name o’ everlastin’ fuck?”

“And I’malsopleased to report that they’ve signed up for our new re-education scheme as well, where we’ll be able to clear up embarrassing mishaps like these for a simple, one-off payment. It’s well worth it to stop any problematic incidents like these from occurring. So there you go, everyone: people power in action! Keep pushing, keep up the pressure. Keep your knees to the throats of big business — and together we’ll make progress happen whether they want it to or not!”

A cheery jingle follows this proclamation, and Rory snaps off the radio, his eyes a blank slate-gray.

Nobody in the room looks like they know what to say.

I do, however. “These people are fucking idiots.”

“I can’t believe,” Rory begins in a low, slow voice, like he’s still turning everything he’s just heard over in his head, “that out of all that they campaign for, they think removing a song from a piece of musical theater is one of their top priorities.”

“They see something they don’t like, they kill it,” Luke says. “No one else gets to enjoy it. Society’s being reshaped around the deranged beliefs of the politically insane.”

“We need to turn that thing off.” I gesture in frustration at the radio. “Andkeepit turned off. It’s just winding us up. It’s a distraction.”

“We need to know what’s going on,” Rory says listlessly.

“They’re throwing us off-balance. And every time we tune in, we’re just letting it happen. It’s propaganda. An outrage machine.”

“The sassenach’s right. But we’re dirty, dirty addicts, and we enjoy a good car crash. Still… We’ll keep it tae a minimum, for oor sanity if nothin’ else.” Finlay hauls a sack of Antiro debris onto his bed. His green eyes glimmer wickedly as, in a dark, dangerous drawl, he asks, “Now… anyone wanna burn shit?”


We descend into the grounds with renewed vigor, bags of Antiro junk rustling in our hands. There’s so much of it to go around that each of us carries at least one. Rory also brought with him Benji’s radio, and although I asked if it was to go on the fire too, he claimed it was for the music only. Happily, Danny managed to swipe a luxurious-looking bottle of whisky from the staff room, which he cradles close to his chest like a tiny baby.

We debate where to hold this bonfire, some of us split on starting it at the secret island, others — including me — wanting it to take place in full view of the castle. Fuck it.Letthem see. What are they going to do, add more detentions to the roster? We’re wild things now. Their lies have made us wild, and in our quest for truth and common sense, we’re now the ones with nothing to lose.