Page 30 of Sexploitation

Dread settles on my chest as Parker’s eyes widen, realization hitting me.


I just said the one word that I’ve been purposely avoiding, too afraid to say it from fear it would send her running. But now that it’s out there, there’s no taking it back. And I don’t want to.



The word hangs in the thick air between us, leaving me frozen, my ears ringing, my lungs no longer taking in air. The onslaught of emotion has completely paralyzed me, anger, confusion, and a few emotions I’d rather not identify swirling deep in my belly.

Why? Why did he have to do this? Why did he have to go and fuck everything up?

I should’ve seen this coming. Should’ve cut things off after my little chat with Josie. Deep down, I knew she was right. I knew things were getting too serious.


Elias takes a timid step closer, and I hold my hand out. “Don’t.”

He sighs, his shoulders sagging. “That isn’t how I meant for you to hear it for the first time, but I—”

“Stop!” I shout, my eyes screwing shut as if it will make this all go away.

Elias waits for me to open them before speaking again, the desperation in his stare making me queasy. “No. You need to hear it, and I need to say it.”

“Elias...” I warn with a shake of my head, every muscle in my body stiff, my chest tight.

He takes my hand in his, his eyes soft. “I love you, Parker Sawyer.”

And there it is. The end of the best sex I’ve ever had. He just killed it with those three fucking words.

Fuck love.

And Fuck Elias.

He doesn’t just get to throw that word around. That is not what this is. Nor is it what I want.

“You don’t love me,” I spit, my words full of venom. “You lovefuckingme. There’s a difference.” I rip my hand away from his, putting more space between us. “Stop trying to make this into something it’s not. I never needed or wanted your love. You can keep that shit.”

“Goddamn,” he huffs, a hint of hurt behind it. “You are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met. And it’s absolutely maddening.”

My jaw ticks, my eyes searching the living room for my things. “Well, good news...” I hiss, grabbing my shoes from beside the front door. “You don’t have to deal with it anymore.”

“Jesus, Parker.” He runs a hand through his hair, watching as I slip my heels back on. “That’s not what I want. Will you please just sit down? Let’s talk about this.”

“No. I don’t want to talk. You knew where I stood. You knew I didn’t want...” I pause, waving my hands around like a lunatic. “All this. I broke my rules for you. And that’s on me. But I can’t be tricked into love.”

“Tricked? Wow... I...” He blows out a harsh breath, and it’s like I can practically see the fight in him leaving with it. “I’m fucking crazy about you, Peach. And I’ve tried to be understanding, tried to be the man you needed me to be. But I won’t keep chasing you. I can’t. If you walk out that door right now, I’m done.”

Done? Fuck him.

I flip him off, ignoring the sharp pang in my chest. “Thank God for small favors.”

He doesn’t move to stop me as I walk out the door, slamming it behind me. Every limb in my body feels shaky and weak, the short trek to my car taking every ounce of my strength. But by the time I get into the driver’s seat, I’m completely numb.

* * *

“Merry Christmas!” Josie’s cheery voice calls as she lets herself into my apartment.