It was too quiet.

My body alerted me that something was wrong before my mind did. My arm was twitchy, and an intense headache was beating at my temples. I could feel the light beams even on my closed eyelids, and no amount of slapping the air around me could make them go away.

I groaned. This was pure torture.

I’d always been a morning person, but today, it was exceptionally hard for me to finally yield and open my eyes slowly, though I eventually did.

Only to find that I was in a room I’d never seen before.

I bolted upright in alarm, which did not help my headache at all. A sharp stab at my forehead had me groaning again as I rubbed my temples, hoping to soothe the migraine. At the same time, I glanced around.

My bedroom was small with light cream walls, wooden dressers, and a general pink theme that was admittedly pretty juvenile for a twenty-five-year-old woman. You can’t blame me for that, though. I painted it myself when I was a young teenager and haven’t had the time to change it since. Or the inclination. While my room was old-fashioned and little more than a broom closet, it was pretty and pink, and it gave me hope that, just for today, everything would be alright.

But this room wasn’t anything like that. The walls were dark, with heavy velvet curtains blocking out most of the sunlight. Only a narrow beam streamed through a slit in the curtains, aiming right at where I was lying. It was not enough to illuminate the whole room, but from what I could tell, it looked like I’d been thrown back in time to some kind of Victorian boudoir.

Which was odd, to say the least.

Even odder was the fact that I wasn’t wearing any clothes.

And judging from the slight marks on my body, someone had suckled really hard on my stomach.

With that realization, the memory hit me all at once.

Dark hair trailing down my stomach, lips sucking my skin until it stung deliciously. The same dark hair against my neck, leaving the same kisses there. And then, between my legs, teasing my slit as I screamed my pleasure into the air.

Also, a hand around my waist, holding me down for the onslaught, and a thick cock penetrating me.

Even the memory had goosebumps breaking out over my skin in the most delicious way. I didn’t remember the events linearly, and I wasn’t even entirely sure I hadn’t dreamt it up. But glancing down revealed further marks on my inner thighs and hand prints on my waist. That, combined with the flashes of memories, all pieced together to form a fact.

I just had the most intense, mind-blowing sex with a complete stranger.

“Jeez, Charlie,” I muttered to myself, but the truth was, I couldn’t even be mad at myself. This was completely out of character for me, sure. Typically, I didn’t even go clubbing or do much besides go to any one of my jobs and then go home.

But yesterday, I’d agreed to go out with a few work colleagues just to loosen up. It’s been a tough week for all of us with the business tanking and the threat of layoffs, so we just wanted to hang loose and not think or worry about anything for the night.

I didn’t remember much of what happened after that. Well, I remember Ivanna calling me a prude and telling me to loosen up. I also remembered doing a bunch of shots to prove I wasn’t, which in retrospect, was a stupid idea that I would never ever repeat.

I also remembered laughing and feeling all happy and silly and then spotting the most handsome man I’d ever seen. Of course, I couldn’t exactly remember what he looked like because I bumped into him in the dark corridor on the way to the bathroom. And I didn’t remember our conversation either, only that he kissed me and then took me upstairs.

Then it was just us mindlessly fucking, his harsh groans in my ears and his cock filling me to the brim. And then painful pleasure as I orgasmed again and again.

I shifted in the bed and twinged. I could still feel him inside me for the most part, but that was to be expected. The man was huge. I remembered him filling me to the breaking point last night. But despite all that—and the fact that it’s very embarrassing to have sex with a man whose face I didn’t even remember—I couldn’t bring myself to regret last night. Not when my body still felt so deliciously lax today, and my mind was blissfully free of all the problems in my life.

Of course, I knew this was only a temporary escape, and I wasn’t going to make a habit of doing this every weekend. I knew from other people’s stories that it didn’t always turn out like this. Heck, I could have just as easily been kidnapped or murdered by taking off with a stranger. The fact that I wasn’t probably meant my guardian angel was working overtime.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but I wouldn’t beat myself over it, nor would I dwell on it. I would enjoy it for what it was and then write it off as a crazy night.

I just wished I could know who the man was, but I knew he was probably already gone. That was how these one-night stand things worked, right? They were great while in the moment, but you weren’t supposed to stick around until the morning and ask questions. Like a fairy tale, except everything ended at daybreak.

Just then, I heard a sound from a door to the far left of the room—the sound of a shower turning on.

At the same time, I noted a wallet and boots on a hamper by the door.

Excitement bubbled up inside me.He’s still here.