Page 71 of SEALED By the Boss

I could feel it in my gut.

She’d texted me about an hour ago that she was on her way. Even if she’d stopped over for food, which I’d asked her not to do, it should still only take about thirty minutes for her to get home. She would text if something came up or if she was running late. So something else was going on here. Something that had balls of nerves knotting in my stomach.

Every single call I sent went straight to voicemail, and there were no texts.

The flowers that were planned and the ornately decorated table only seemed to magnify my anxiety.

I’d been planning this dinner all day. All week, if I were being honest. The idea first entered my mind after Kuzo planted the seed of me just staying with her and not leaving. I’d tried to set it aside and tried to do the mature thing and leave her alone. For the next few days, I prevented myself from even thinking about it.

But the more time I spent with her, the more I realized I was fighting a losing battle. There was no fucking way I could leave Tillie alone. She was healing; I could see that. Pretty soon, she wouldn’t need me anymore to fall asleep. But I still wouldn’t leave. I would camp outside her house, watching over her if need be. I couldn’t trust anyone else with that, and I was kidding myself by thinking I could.

I loved her.

Yes, she was too young for me, and yes, she probably deserved better.

But damn it, I hadn’t been this selfish in a long time. And, if she would have me, I wanted to be selfish with her.

If not, I would need to rip out my heart and leave it on her doorstep.

So then there was only one thing left to do. I needed to man up, admit my feelings, and see if she felt the same way.

That was what this dinner was about. I planned on laying it all out on the table today. I’d thought about the words and spent most of the week refining them until they were a damn poem. I’d arranged this lavish dinner, flying in the best steak from that restaurant she liked. Flowers and sashes also hung on the walls. Because I wasn’t just going to ask her on the couch like some asshole. She deserved better than that. She deserved romance and to be swept off her feet, and if I were being honest, I’d been waiting a long time to do this for someone. So it might as well be for her.

But she wasn’t here.

I got up and started to pace. I couldn’t sit still because if I did, I would lose my mind.

I called again, for the second time in the past hour. This time, the call went through.

“Hey,” she answered. Already, I noted something strange in her tone.

“Hey,” I echoed in reply. “Where are you?”

“I…” She hesitated, and then when she spoke again, it sounded weird. “I’m with Brenda. We’re just hanging out.”

“Hi, Ezra!” I heard Brenda’s voice in the background. But then that confused me even more. Why the heck would she go to Brenda’s when we already made plans?

And why was she making no mention of our plans?

Something didn’t feel right at all.

“When are you coming home?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Her voice cracked, giving away her nerves. “I think I’m gonna hang out here for a little bit and then leave, okay?”

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Something had happened to her. Someone took her.

“Alright,” I said, not giving away the fact that I knew what was up. “Can you give me a time?” A clue?

“No,” she uttered and swallowed. “I’ll be back soon.”

And then the line went dead in my ear.

“Fuck!” The sound exploded out of me, and I nearly tossed my phone, but instead, I held it tightly in my hand. Anger wouldn’t do me any good now. I needed to think rationally so I could find the motherfucker who was responsible.

And then I’ll end him with my bare hands.

I tore open the door, ready to storm out, only to find the old man at my doorstep, about to knock. He took a step back when he saw my face.