Page 59 of SEALED By the Boss

“That’s me,” I responded.

“So we’ve gotten some of your test results back,” he began. “And everything looks fine. You should be about four weeks along now, so that might be why you now have these symptoms. Some women get very early symptoms.”

“Four weeks along?” I frowned. “Four weeks along on what?”

He blinked at me. “Your pregnancy, of course.”



Shock arced through me, stealing whatever I was going to say next. I glanced at Tillie just in time to catch her stunned gaze, which probably matched mine.

“What?” She turned back to the doctor, eyebrows furrowing deep over her eyes. “What did you just say?”

The doctor glanced between the two of us before understanding dawned on his face. “Ah. I’m guessing this is the first time you heard the news.”

“That can’t be right,” Tillie was saying, shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t be pregnant.”

“Are you not sexually active?”

“No, I mean just once, but….” She looked at me again as if to confirm it, but I wasn’t saying anything, so she turned back. “But it was a little while ago, plus I took the morning-after pill.”

I remembered how we’d talked about it after, and she’d said she would take the pill. Typically I didn’t have sex without a condom, but having her wet heat wrapped around my dick completely shut down any thinking capabilities I had.

“Mmm.” The doctor looked down at his clipboard. “Well, you know the morning-after pill isn’t a hundred percent effective.”

Tillie was still shaking her head in disbelief. “Yes, but I can’t be pregnant. I just can’t.” The last word was said in a tone nearing hysteria, and the doctor glanced toward me for help.

“Is she otherwise healthy?” I asked. “Apart from the pregnancy?”

The doctor looked relieved to be talking to someone who wasn’t freaking out on him, and he nodded. “Yes, it seems so. Not all the test results are back, but I would assume most of her symptoms are linked to her prenatal state.”

I nodded. At least that much was a relief. “Thank you, doctor. You can leave us alone for a few minutes.”

“Of course.” The prepubescent-looking man looked all too happy to step out and shut the door behind him. I shifted my attention back to Tillie, who was sitting with her head buried in her hands and gripping her hair. I got up and went closer to her, hearing her muttered sounds in between moans.

“Are you feeling okay?”

She immediately turned to look up at me, her eyes flashing with emotions. “Really? Are you seriously gonna ask me that right now?”

“Is there a better question you want me to ask?”

Her eyes narrowed for a second, and then she shut them and groaned as she muttered, “I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up.”

I sat in the seat next to her. “You know, I never thought extended bouts of self-loathing were particularly helpful in matters like this.”

“Matters like this?” She turned to me with wide eyes. “You’ve gotten other girls pregnant?”

“No,” I said firmly and then felt something light up in my chest. “So you’re saying it’s mine?”

I regretted the question the minute it slipped out. Her eyes narrowed in offense and anger.

“What do you mean?” she demanded. “I haven’t slept with anyone else!”

“It’s alright,” I told her. “I wasn’t accusing you of anything. Just making sure.”

“Making sure I wasn’t a whore?”