Page 33 of SEALED By the Boss

“Oh,” I said, even though I didn’t completely understand what he meant.

He must have noted my confusion. “I can’t really explain everything, but you’ll understand once we start working together. I want to set up my agency in preparation for that.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t sure I understood, but it probably made sense to him. His job was very complicated. “So what are you going to do till then?”

“Well, till then, I’m going to start by providing security to a few bars in the area. They have eyes and ears on most things in town. That’s where you come in,” he said with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure you have all the contacts and stuff.”

Because I’m there every Saturday night partying it up.I was sure that was the implication he was going for, but for some reason, I couldn’t even be offended. Maybe it was because he didn’t say it with any judgment attached, or perhaps it was because I just had some good sleep, so I was less irritable.

Maybe that was why I was ultimately even considering working with him, even though something was telling me it was going to be an absolute disaster.

“So, just so we’re clear, what would my role be?”

He shrugged nonchalantly. “Something between a secretary and an assistant. You would need to show me around town, give me any information I need, and then work your way up to making appointments and helping keep me organized.”

And just like that, my hopes were dashed.

“I don’t know how to do any of that,” I said with a frown. “I’m not very good with the computer or doing much else except fetching people’s dinner.”

“It’s not hard,” he reassured me with a smile. “You can learn.”

“But wouldn’t it be easier for you to get someone who’s already good at that stuff?”

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “No, it wouldn’t.”

I didn’t understand why, and something told me there was more going on here than I realized. “And why do you want me to do this so badly?”

He shrugged. “You’re the only one I know here. And maybe being more exposed to the world will reveal to you what you want to do. Besides, waitressing hasn’t been giving you any ideas, right?”

How does he make everything sound like an insult even when it’s not?

“I’m going to pay you six thousand a month.”

My eyes nearly bugged out of their socket at his words. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. That’s about how much I pay my secretary back home. Is that not enough?”

That was more than I earned in two years of waitressing.

He smirked. “So you’ll take it?

“No catch?” I asked, feeling my heart beat faster.

“No catch.”

I nearly tipped over in excitement. Six thousand a month? That was a lot of money. That would be enough for me to reduce my shifts at the restaurant and focus on my studies.

“Alright,” I said, trying not to sound too happy about it. “I’ll take it.”



Making up a job and offering Tillie a role as my assistant was a stroke of genius that occurred to me that morning.

What better way to find out what it was she wanted than to spend more time with her in a professional environment? That way, I could monitor her response to certain things we did and see if I could steer her in one direction or another. Additionally, I could encourage her to apply to college or do whatever it was she wanted to do.

Plus, this would be a way to keep our relationship platonic. Although, I wasn’t sure if I succeeded with that.