Page 35 of SEALED By the Boss

I reached over and switched it off because this was more important than the damn patties. I also caged her in my arms, preventing her from going after yet another inane thing to avoid the conversation. “Tillie.”

She couldn’t pretend anymore. She stood stiffly in the circle of my arms.

“Explain it to me,” I said softly. “Why did you choose to sleep with guys you don’t care about rather than go see a therapist?”

“I didn’tnotcare about them,” she protested. “I was dating them, so of course, I liked them on some level.”

“Then what did you mean?”

She sighed. “I’ve just never been the sexual type in general. I’ve never enjoyed sex, but if I didn’t put out, guys were less motivated in general to sleep over.”

“So they coerced you into sex.”

“You’re making it sound more sordid than it is,” she said defensively. “Not every woman likes sex, you know. Plenty of women fake it. I would say more women fake it than not. But you men seem to think it’s extremely important, so we put up with it just so you’ll leave us alone.”

I couldn’t help but smirk. I did know some women didn’t enjoy sex, but I would bet it was because a lot of guys were shit at it. And it probably wasn’t as many as she thought. It was like my mom would say: “When you’re stuck in misery, it’s hard to believe there are people out there who are truly happy.”

“You think sex is only important to men?”

She shrugged. “I’m sure a few women out there enjoy it. But it’s definitely not the fairy tale the movies make it out to be. Or rather, it’s much better in the books and fantasies than it could ever be in real life.”

I watched her, the way she said it with absolute certainty, and suddenly felt very sad for her. Because she spoke like a woman who’d never once been pleasured in bed and whose satisfaction had never been prioritized. A woman who had given herself to selfish asshole lovers.

They should have worshiped her.

I shouldn’t start thinking about it, but it was all that filled my head as my eyes trailed down her neck. “They should have started here.” I brushed a spot at her nape that had her shivering a little. “Kiss right here, where the nerves are sensitive. And watched the hairs on your skin dance.”

Her eyes were wide as they stared at me right before they darkened. Goosebumps appeared on the top of her skin.

“They should have kissed your neck.” I kept going, leaning down to brush my lips against that spot.

She gasped.

I did it again, my tongue tasting salty flesh. Desire roared through me, lighting a fire that had never been banked. Fuck, this was wild. I didn’t want to stop, and at the same time, it was impossible to control the heat raging through me.

My cock was hard, demanding satisfaction and release, but I didn’t think about that. I didn’t stop, either. Instead, I propped myself against a stool in the kitchen and dragged her into my arms so she could rest against my legs.

Use me.

Damn, what a sick thought.

But I couldn’t help it. Her little gasps fired my libido even more as she clutched my shirt, her legs squeezing together as I skimmed my mouth lower over her neck, sucking it in and teasing it with my tongue.

“Ezra,” she moaned when my finger gently stroked her waist. She squeezed her legs again as she was obviously turned on. The evidence of her desire drove me even wilder. God, I loved when she said my name, all breathless and gasping. I wanted to hear her screaming my name. I wanted to give her a release that would wipe all the bad experiences out of her mind.

But I didn’t know if I could do it without it blowingmymind.

“Beautiful,” I said appreciatively, moving up to drop a kiss against her lips.

Our eyes met as my hands brushed underneath her shirt, touching her bare skin.

She jerked.

I glanced up at her face, wanting to make sure it wasn’t a rejection and that she was still enjoying this. And I confirmed she was. Her eyes were shut in ecstasy, her body curving toward me, asking for more.

Oh yeah, I could give her more.

I dragged her up onto my lap until her feet weren’t on the floor anymore. My hands wandered higher, meeting her sports bra that she took to wearing at home. Then, I waited for her until she opened her eyes.