“Yes, but we can make the most of the situation, right?” Leah asks when we arrive at the top floor. “Besides, it’s easy to know where Prince Haakon is. He must be staying in the Royal Executive Suite because there’s only one suite in this boutique hotel, and that’s on the top floor. He wouldn’t be slumming it in one of the regular rooms.”

“Yes, but—”

“Don’t ‘yes but’ me,” Leah mock-scolds while dragging me into the hallway. Sure enough, there’s only one door in this narrow passageway, and Leah knocks on it confidently. “You yourself said that Prince Haakon likely wouldn’t appreciate being surprised in public, so we’re not going to do it in public. We’ll do it in private. See? It all works out.”

But then, the door opens, and before us stands a beautiful woman with brown hair and a lush figure. She’s young and dressed formally, in a purple gown and matching high heels. Both Leah and I stare with surprise because this obviously isn’t Prince Haakon.

“Yes, can I help you?” she asks in a melodious voice.

“Matilda, who is it?” a deep male voice calls from behind her. “It’s almost time to go down.”

Leah is jolted from her stupor and smiles without missing a beat.

“Hi, I’m Leah Hughes, and this is my boyfriend, Killian Jerome,” she says. “Is Prince Haakon here?”

Matilda frowns, two creases forming between her perfectly arched eyebrows.

“I’m sorry, but do we know you?”

Then, a large figure materializes behind her. Time slows to a standstill because Prince Haakon has just appeared, and with his imposing stature, dark hair, and patrician features,we look like twins.



“Who are you?” the huge man rasps, his eyes fixed on Killian. “Where did you come from?”

“Yes, who are you?” Matilda chimes with curiosity, her eyes studying Killian’s strong features. The resemblance is so striking that Killian and Haakon look like two sides of a coin. Maybe the prince is taller, but my boyfriend has a more imposing physique with his broad shoulders and powerful chest.

“Is this a joke?” Matilda continues. “A prank? You Americans are known for being pranksters.”

That’s when I leap in to explain.

“This is a long story, but Killian is actually your brother, Prince Haakon. Or half-brother, more accurately.”

Haakon squints with disbelief.

“I’m sorry? I don’t think so. I only have one sibling, and that fucker Ragnar is back in Lysenia. I don’t have any half-siblings.”

I nod quickly.

“Yes, but if you’d just let us explain. Can we come in? It’ll just take a minute.”

Haakon shakes his head.

“No. You can explain right here in the hallway. Out with it.”

I feel Killian tense beside me with a low growl rising from his chest. But I squeeze my boyfriend’s hand in warning and put a brilliant smile on my face.

“Okay, sure. No problem. We get it, and I’ll make this short. Basically, Killian’s mother, Jennie, had a one-night stand with your father, King Fjall, a long time ago when Fjall was on walkabout in the United States. It would have been more than forty years in the past. It’s likely that your father doesn’t even know about his son because Jennie never told him, and besides, Fjall returned to Lysenia before she knew she was pregnant.”

Haakon’s blue eyes narrow into a squint.

“Really. So this man is my older half-brother.”

I nod eagerly.

“Yes! Isn’t it so great? You have a brother!”