“Maybe,” the teen girl hums. “But I’m not above a little blackmail to get what I want. In fact, blackmail can feel good, wouldn’t you agree, Uncle Killian? Now pop my cherries …or else.”

A growl tears from my throat as my fingers itch. I want to close them about her narrow shoulders and shake her until her head bobbles back and forth like a rag doll. Better yet, I want to close them about Leah’s neck and cut off her oxygen until she descends into subspace, losing consciousness before I revive her again.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for,” I say in a harsh, raspy tone. “This is for real, Leah. No fucking around.”

The girl has the temerity to shoot me an insouciant wink.

“Oh, this is definitely real, Uncle Killian. I’m counting on it.”

Then, the nasty acts begin because there’s no blackmailing Killian Jerome … and getting away with it.



Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into? Yet I can’t help the shiver of excitement that goes down my spine as Killian circles the kitchen island, making his way towards me. He seems bigger than before, and broader too. His blue work shirt stretches across wide shoulders, and unconsciously, his tongue slips out from between his lips, already forked with arousal.

But it doesn’t scare me. Instead, I go hot seeing that appendage and look back into his eyes, my pupils already dilated with need.

“Yes, Uncle Killian,” I breathe. “I want it. Pop my cherries, and make me a woman.”

He lets out a feral snarl, and then suddenly, the huge man is on me. His head swoops down to claim my lips and I’m lifted into his strong arms.

“Don’t worry about that, baby,” he rasps harshly. “Because you’re getting it tonight.”

I don’t reply because this is what I’ve wanted for a while now. Maybe I didn’t have a conscious awareness of Killian as a virile alpha male before, but I certainly do now. I can smell his masculine scent, spicy and musky all at once, and my body responds reflexively. I go limp and soft against his hard frame, wetness pooling between my thighs as my hard nipples graze his chest.

“Yes,” I murmur, kissing him hungrily. “This is what I want. This is what I need.”

Then, before I realize it, I’m nude in his arms on the sofa. Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised because what an alpha male wants is what he gets. But Killian works quickly, and I look down with dazed confusion at my clothes lying discarded on the floor. Is this really happening? I’m just about to say something when my eyes alight on his members, and suddenly all thought leaves my mind.

“Oh!” I gasp. “Wha… wha…what?”

Killian grins, those blue eyes flaring as his big hand grasps the shaft on the bottom, squeezing gently.

“Cat got your tongue, baby? Or are you just shocked to see my anatomy again?”

I swallow thickly, unable to tear my eyes from his double dick because it’s even better than I remember. He’s gripping his lower shaft in one big fist, and the ten inch member pulses angrily, the tip already glistening with seed. Meanwhile, his upper member strains towards me, the glans slick and shiny even as a pearl forms at the tip. My pussy moistens in answer and I mewl with need. Heck, it more than moistens. My cunt gushes with arousal and Killian groans when he sees the slick of nectar on my thighs.

“Fuck baby, you’re beautiful,” he rasps in a hoarse voice, those blue eyes going from my big breasts, over my narrow waist and to my glistening slit, before roaming back upwards. “You’re better than my wildest dreams.”

I giggle while plucking at my nipples.

“You’ve dreamed of me before, Uncle Killian?”

His blue eyes flare, still glued to my creamy white orbs.

“More times than you know, sweetheart. You’ve been tormenting me for years now, Leah. Ever since you turned sixteen, in fact. You’ve made my life a living hell.”

A gasp escapes my lips because that means that this man has been lusting for me for about three years! Yet he’s controlled himself out of respect for both my father and me. A warm feeling fills my chest because Killian Jerome is a principled man, and I respect him for his self-control. But now, the time for restraint is over and I smile coquettishly while lifting one leg to drape it over the back of the couch. My white thighs part, and I arch my back a bit, pulling my labia open for his gaze.

“Here you go, Uncle Killian,” I mewl, showing him my most intimate spot. I giggle while running a finger around the hard bud of my clit as his cocks jerk in unison. “This is all for you. But how do we do this?” I ask. “Do you want to take my holes one by one, or should we go for broke and do double penetration my first time?”

A harsh flush streaks my lover’s high cheekbones.

“Do you think you could take double penetration your first time?” he rasps. “Is that on the table?”

I flush hotly at his words.