“Of course you aren’t dumb. I wasn’t implying that, honey. All I’m saying is that I’ve seen a lot of the world already, whereas you’re just starting out. You deserve a partner with whom to experience the blessings of life. You don’t need someone old and jaded like me.”

Leah squints at me.

“Yeah, but maybe Iwanta man who’s old and jaded. Maybe I want someone with experience so that I don’t have to start from scratch. There’s no point in re-inventing the wheel, after all.”

I sigh again. Shit, Leah’s smart and I have to give her credit for that because she’s able to parry and thrust with the best of them. For every reason that I proffer, she has a perfectly logical counter-reason. And they make sense too. I find myself at a loss for words.

“Fine then,” I state in a low tone. “I see that my arguments are having no effect. Let’s just put it this way then: we can’t move forward because I don’t want to. It’s not right, and I won’t do this to either you or Jimmy. There, happy?”

She squints at me.

“Are you serious, Uncle Killian? Is this some kind of ‘your word is law’ type thing?”

“It is,” I say in a slow tone. “I hate to do this, but it takes two to tango, and in this case, I’m putting the brakes on things. We’re not moving forward with this relationship. At least, not in the way you’re hoping.”

Leah’s silent for a moment, but I can practically see the wheels turning in her head.

“That’s your final answer?” she asks.

“It is,” I reply, even as my stomach drops to my feet. This feels awful, even though I know it’s the right thing to do. Goddamn, it’s hard to be a morally ethical person these days.

But Leah shakes her head then, brown curls swinging.

“No, I don’t agree,” she says in a firm voice. “We’re going to continue what we’re doing, Uncle Killian. In fact, you’re going to be the man to pop my cherries. Would you like that?”

My cocks jerk at her words, and my heart begins to race. But I know I can’t give my excitement away. After all, I just rejected Leah, although it seems that the curvy girl’s not taking the rejection well.

“Leah,” I say in a low voice. “We’re through. What happened at Wissam’s was a one-time thing, and a mistake too. There’s no more ‘us’ if there ever was an ‘us.’”

“Yes, there is an ‘us,’ Uncle Killian,” Leah asserts confidently. “You have to agree with me.”

I squint a bit at the curvy girl, my hands gripping into loose fists.

“What do you mean? Sweetheart, I’m an adult and you can’t control me. It takes two to make the kind of magic you’re referring to, and I’m not going to fall for your tricks again. Even if you strip down here in the kitchen and offer your curves to me, I’m not going to touch you, sweetheart. My control is stronger than you think.”

Leah laughs breathily, throwing her brown curls back.

“Oh no, I wasn’t going to seduce you, Uncle Killian. I was going to threaten you.”

“Threaten?” I ask in a dumbfounded voice. “What do you mean?”

She shrugs prettily.

“It’s simple. If you don’t give me what I want, then I’m going to tell everyone that you’re the mystery man with the double dick. You’ll be inundated with attention, Uncle Killian. You’ll be in all the local magazines, and hell, probably the national news too. After all, it’s unusual to meet someone with your particular genetic gifts.”

I stare at her as a harsh flush descends on my cheeks.

“You’re kidding.”

She shakes her head, unbothered.

“No, I’m not,” Leah replies in an airy tone. “Pop my cherries, Uncle Killian, otherwise everyone’s going to know your secret. Including all my friends from high school, my new friends at community college, and the ladies at the Junior League. Just wait until they hear the news. Your phone will be ringing off the hook. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Junior League women hunt you down and tie you to a tree before getting a good look at your equipment for themselves. You’rethatpopular, Uncle Killian.”

Heat is spreading through my chest now as a fire lights in my belly.

“You wouldn’t,” I rasp dangerously. “That’s blackmail, Leah.”

She merely smiles sunnily.