Oh shit. Leah has no idea what she’s saying. No fucking clue at all. The little girl is like Little Red Riding Hood tempting the Big Bad Wolf, and yet she doesn’t even realize that I’m the Big Bad Wolf. Instead, she thinks I’m a tame puppy nipping at her heels, begging for treats from his mistress’s hand.
But gone is the old Uncle Killian. That man was kind, generous, and most of all, honorable. Instead, in his place is a ravenous animal with a taste for young female flesh, and Leah’s exactly the kind of sassy girl to sate my appetites.
But there’s a twist to this because interestingly, the curvy brunette is different than what I thought. I was blown away when she said she was a virgin. With a body like that, I was sure that Leah had been claimed many times over. That’s how things are in this day and age, or so I understand. I thought girls lost their virginities at sixteen or even younger. I thought they dated boys and were basically total sluts by the time they hit their twenties.
But evidently, Leah’s different. Even though she’s currently licking her nipples while shooting me seductive looks, she claims to be untouched down there. How is that possible? How can that be when she’s acting like a seasoned whore, and making my dicks harder than they’ve ever been?
Suddenly, I have to know. There’s no way this girl is untouched no matter what she claims because she’s just too beautiful and ripe. Leah must have some fucked-up definition of virginity that escapes an old-fashioned dude like me. It’s possible, given that some girls consider themselves technically “virgins” even though they’ve had anal sex hundreds of times. But no matter because I have a special tool that can be used to check a woman’s innocence. I smile wolfishly, my eyes gleaming.
“So you’ve never been taken before, hmmm?”
Leah pops off her nipple and smiles, her rosy tips pink and gleaming in the light of the dressing room.
“Never, Uncle Killian. Of course, I’ve played around with boys in the past, but they were just boys. We never got to home base.”
The knowledge excites me, and I can feel my pulse racing as my staffs harden even further.
“Is that so?” I drawl. “So you’ve never had either your pussy or ass cherry popped?”
Leah blushes, and here’s where I expect the excuses to start. Here’s where she’s going to veer off on some long, convoluted definition of “popping,” “cherries,” or even “pussy” and “ass.” But instead, the beautiful brunette shakes her head slowly.
“No, never Uncle Killian. No man has ever touched me down there. I promise.”
Really? Well we’ll see about that. My grin becomes positively salacious.
“Great,” I drawl. “Because I happen to love untouched young women. In fact, I have a taste for them, you could say.”
She nods again, still innocent and unsuspecting.
“What do you mean, Uncle Killian?”
I smile.
“It means that I have a special tool that can suss out virgins, honey. See?” I ask, sticking out my tongue. To her surprise, it extends further than any normal human tongue, and then I flex my muscles so that it forks into a twice-tipped tongue of pink.
She gasps.
“What is that, Uncle Killian?”
“It’s part of my genetic destiny,” I say in a smooth voice. “Not only was I blessed with double dicks, but I also have a forked tongue to pleasure my female partners with. It’s got special sensory taste buds, meaning that I can taste when a man’s been inside you. I can literally swipe my tongue against your pussy walls or your ass walls, and pick up the tang of another man’s semen. So are you still a virgin, sweetheart? Or do you want to change your story?”
Leah gasps, her cheeks going hot. Again, this is where I expect her to begin prevaricating. She’s going to say something about how technically, it’s not a man who’s been inside her, but rather a woman or a non-gendered person. Maybe they left some ejaculate, but it doesn’t count because they’re a third gender who doesn’t like to be “boxed in” using traditional pronouns.
But Leah merely shakes her head.
“No, I’ve never been taken down there, front or back, Uncle Killian. You can check with your special tongue.”
My brows practically fly off my forehead as my cocks stiffen so much that they’re painful.
“Really?” I drawl in a light tone. “You know, my tongue is incredibly sensitive. It doesn’t matter if a man came in you a year ago. I can still taste the tang of his fluids because semen stays in a woman longer than you think, especially when he ejaculates in your rectum.”
But again, Leah remains firm.
“No, Uncle Killian,” she says in a soft voice. “Like I said, you’re welcome to check. In fact, I’ll even help you.” Then, before I realize what’s happening, Leah’s shimmied out all of her clothes. The sweet teen is completely nude before me, save for a pair of cute sneakers with hearts on the sides. Her big breasts sway in the low lights, and her waist is so narrow that both my huge hands can encircle it. Plus, the vee of her pussy is already slick and wet with desire, and as I stare, she widens her thighs a bit before spreading her pussy lips to show me her clit. It pulses in the low light, already begging to be kissed.