I’m always done with u. Blow me.

–With all my hate for u, Jackson

I’ll blow u over.

–Not love, Harley

“What’s going on back there?” Mom asked.

“Nothing,” we replied at the same time.

Stop breathing my air.

-Not love, Harley

Ok, I’ll strangle u, so u can’t breathe at all.

-With all my hate for u, Jackson

Y don’t u go play in trafic?

-Not love, Harley

Y don’t u learn how to spell traffic?

-With all my hate for u, Jackson

She punched my leg where my parents couldn’t see, and I tore the notebook from her lap.

U hit like a girl. Don’t hit me again.

-With all my hate for u, Jackson

If I hit like a girl, then y u being a big baby about it? Build a bridge and get over it. Besides u started it.

-Not love, Harley

I didn’t hit u, Gremlin.

-With all my hate for u, Jackson

Yeh, well u thought about it, Rudolph.

-Not love, Harley

I looked over at her and made a slicing gesture with my finger across my throat. Meaning it for her.

She grinned, squinting her eyes at me before snatching the notebook from my lap. Swiping right to my apology letters, like she knew they’d be there or something.

“Oh my God, Jackson! This is so mean and hurtful! Why would you give me this?” she exaggerated out loud, faking the offended tone in her voice. “Dear Harley Gremlin Jameson,” she started reading the first letter, the worst one my mom crossed out, for them to hear.

“My mom is making me write this apology letter to u. Like I would ever say sorry to the stupidest girl ever born. I don’t surrender to Gremlins, I eat them for breakfast. You r so ugly the ambulance should take u away, so u can’t get me in trouble anymore. I didn’t do anything but tell u the truth. I CAN jump higher than u off the swings. It’s not my fault u r just a stupid girl with no nuts, but even if u had nuts, they would be the size of raisins all shriveled up in your ugly face. Stop getting me in trouble or else I’m going to tell all my football friends u have a disease that’s going to make their balls fall off and no one will talk to u when u get to middle school.

I hate u.

U suck for life.

With all my hate for u, Jackson