Leeann Van Rensburg: Thank you so much for always sharing anything and everything I post. The way you run my street team and help out is amazing to me. You are one of the best people that have come into my life.

Louisa Brandenburger: I love you so much. I am praying hard for you as well. Thank you for being here for me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that and you.

Michelle Chambers: You are such an asset to my team, and I can’t thank you enough for all that you do.

Nicole Erard: You were another alpha who helped bring Choosing Us to life as well. Thank you for everything that you do. I can’t thank you enough.


Betty Lankovits: Thank you for all the teasers and laughs that you bring into my life. I can’t thank you enough for it. You’re an amazing soul. Michelle Tan: Welcome back, I missed you. Tammy McGowan: Thank you for coming through with the feedback and suggestions! I really appreciate it so much Michele Henderson McMullen: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you!! Carrie Waltenbaugh: Anytime I send chapters you always jump on them so quickly. Thank you so much for that. Mary Jo Toth: The amount of boo boos you always find amazes me. Thank you for always being so wonderful and helpful. Ella Gram: You’re the sweetest beta ever. Thank you for always giving me your honesty and your feels. Tricia Bartley: I always look forward to your emails because you always give back the best feedback, and it makes me laugh every time. Kristi Lynn: I missed you! Welcome back. Patti Correa: You’re amazing! Thank you for everything! Maria Naylet: Thank you for always giving me your honesty! You’re amazing, and I’m so lucky to have you on my team. Deborah E Shipuleski: Love you, babe. Kaye Blanchard: Thank you for everything! KR Nadelson: I missed you, welcome back. Georgina Marie Kerslake: As always I love you. Thank you for loving my babies the way you do. Ashley Reynolds: Thank you for all the feedback and suggestions. I can’t tell you how much it helps me. Chasidy Renee: Thanks for it all! Danielle Renee: You’re amazing!! Marci Antoinette Gant: I love you so much, and thank you for everything!! From my street team to reading for me. Dee Renee Hudson: You’re the best, girl. I love you so much. Thank you for everything. Misty Horn: Thank you so much for helping me bring Aiden to life! Nohely Clark: Your feedback is always amazing!! Thank you for everything. Ashley Singer-Falkner: Thank you for all your quick feedback. You have helped me so much. Mary Sittu-Kern: You were so much help. Thank you! Sanne Heremans: I love you so much! Thank you for all the help! Kris Carlile: Your feedback was amazing! Thank you for being so honest! Elena Reyes: I love you.


Jamie Guellar: Thank you for running my street team along with Leeann Van Rensburg, and always being there for me. Amanda Roden, Amy Coury, Ann B. Goubert, Ashley Sledge, Beverly Gordon, Chantel Curry, Christin Yates Herbert, Corie Olson, Darlene Pollard, Donna Fernandez, Jessica Laws, Keisha Craft, Leeann Van Rensberg, Lily Jameson, Marci Antoinette Gant, Melinda Parker, Michelle Chambers, Nicole Erard, Nysa Bookish, Ofa Reads, Paula Deboer, Rhonda Ziglar, Sarah Polglaze, Shawna Kolcznyski, Tara Horowitch, Terri Handschumacher, Tracey Wilson-Vuolo, Tiffanie Marks & Vanessa Reyes!!!

Words cannot express the gratitude I have for you!!! I wish I could personally hug and kiss you all. Thank you so much for pimping my books the way you do. I can’t thank you enough for it. You ladies are amazing to me. I hope to meet each and every one of you!!


Most of you have been with me since I started my writing career over five years ago. I can’t thank you enough for always supporting me every way you can. I appreciate and love you so much. I couldn’t do this without you. I love you.


Thank you so much for loving my babies the way that you do. You guys bring so much happiness and love into my life, and I love you so much. I couldn’t do this without you. You mean everything to me!






For Leeann Van Rensburg & Jamie Gueller

Thank you for always helping where ever is needed. You ladies are rockstars.




Two plus signs.

A smiley face.

One plus sign.

Two pink lines.

One pink line.

And then the word…
